(WASHINGTONPOST) — You just enjoyed a long Thanksgiving weekend, so presumably you’re fairly well-rested, right? If not, prepare to be scared by some facts unleashed in a new National Geographic Channel documentary.
The two-hour “Sleepless in America,” a collaboration by NatGeo, National Institutes of Health and The Public Good Projects, debuted on Sunday night. The gist: Everyone is tired. No one gets enough sleep. And then this: Chronic sleep deprivation could have irreparable damage to your health.
NatGeo airs many documentaries, but with this one, they combined a timeless issue with a very timely topic: A lack of sleep hits close to home for pretty much everyone these days. “Sleep right now is one of those conversations that’s long overdue,” Army Surgeon General Patricia Horoho says in the film. “But it’s getting the national attention that it needs.”