America’s ‘Palestinians’

By Joseph Farah

Readers with a long memory may think I’m recycling an old column with this headline – one I used back in 2001.

However, let me assure you, it’s not an old column. It’s an old problem with a new protagonist.

If there are two things I consider myself an expert on they would be the tactics of the “progressive” left and the so-called “Palestinian problem.”

But I repeat myself.

Those two topics have merged into one with what I call the “Ferguson phenomenon.”

For too long, Palestinian Arabs have been used and abused by the leaders of Arab states and international socialists beginning back in the days of the old Soviet Union. These unfortunates were exploited for a cause – the cause to destroy Israel.

It began in earnest after the Six-Day War of 1967, when Arab leaders began doubting whether they could ever take on the Israeli military machine in conventional warfare. The Soviet Union trained Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, his successor, in asymmetrical warfare. They were schooled in guerrilla-style terrorism, airplane hijacking and disinformation techniques.

This was something even the famed Israeli military had no battle plan to counter.

It took a long time, but slowly and surely the so-called “Palestinians” persuaded much of the world, including the international press, “progressives,” liberals and other well-meaning dupes that Israel had victimized an entire class of people – making them homeless, oppressing them, denying them hope of a better life. The lie was so good, so powerful and so appealing than many Palestinian Arabs bought it hook, line and sinker.

Yet, it wasn’t the Israelis who sentenced Palestinians by the hundreds of thousands to life in squalid refugee camps and who trained them to believe the highest ideal was to die in terrorist martyrdom In fact, it was the Arab countries and the Palestinian leadership who did so. The Palestinian people were pawns in their evil endgame – destroying Israel. And they still are today.

Americans who understand this evil game should see a similarity to something happening in America today. It’s actually been going on for a long time, but it has become more evident since Ferguson, Missouri, became a household name.

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Blacks and other racial minorities have become America’s Palestinians.

Kept in abject dependency by a leftist political movement epitomized by today’s Democratic Party, blacks and other minorities, notably recent Hispanic immigrants, are victims indeed. But they have been deceived, just like Palestinian Arabs, about who is actually oppressing them.

And that’s why we see the nationwide uprising over the death of Michael Brown – a young black thug who had been conditioned to do exactly what he did when he mugged a shopkeeper half his size and took out his frenzied rage on a white police officer who defended his own life with a fatal gunshot.

How on earth, we ask ourselves, could an incident like that have ignited such a massive national reaction of riots, protests and hands-up salutes?

It’s exactly the reaction the “progressive” left has always wanted.

Their goal is not justice for their useful idiots – the black underclass they have maintained with welfare handouts, miseducation and a dependency mentality beginning in the mid-1960s or the new wave of Hispanic immigrants they lured here.

Their goal, rather, is the “fundamental transformation of America.”

The “Palestinians” don’t want a homeland of their own. They’ve turned it down each time it was offered to them – by Israel. They want all of Israel. They want the Jews dead or gone. They want to destroy the one and only Jewish state. They’ve been conditioned carefully since the mid-1960s to fight for it and nothing else.

Likewise, the oppression of America’s minorities began at the same time and with similar kinds of conditioning. It’s the white man who is keeping you down, they were told.

Now the chickens have literally come home to roost – just as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright warned us so many years ago.

The answer is never hatred, racism, ethnic cleansing, violence. The answer is forgiveness, love, freedom from bondage, independence, self-reliance and repentance.

That’s what it will take for Palestinians to wake up to from their nightmare. And that’s what it will take for Americans to wake up to their new Ferguson nightmare.

Unfortunately, that’s a message you won’t hear from Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and company.

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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