Anti-Semitism: The respectable hatred

By Around the Web

(Prince Arthur Herald) — I offer for consideration #JewHatePrivilege. It encapsulates the reality that, while expressed hatred for any minority identity groups is normally considered repulsive, and even subject to punitive measures, expression of hatred for Jews is an anomaly. It is not only permitted, it is virtually protected speech. Actually, #JewHatePrivilege is not specific enough, because the privilege takes two distinct forms. There is #MuslimJewHatePrivilege and there is #WesternJewHatePrivilege.

We saw an example of #MuslimJewHatePrivilege in demonstrations this summer throughout Europe, in which Muslims screamed Judeophobic curses, like “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas,” and “Kill the Jews,” at which nobody batted an eye (Indeed, it is customary in Europe for police to blatantly ignore incitement to violence against Jews, but to arrest anyone sporting an Israeli flag, in order to prevent riots they know they cannot contain). We saw it in Palestinians’ joyful street demonstrations following the recent massacre of Jews at prayer in a Jerusalem synagogue. And we saw it early this month in Khalil Attieh, vice-chair of Jordan’s Parliament, burning an Israeli flag in parliament and boasting of his hatred for Jews: “Hating the Jews is a great honor for me.”

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