Christian revival breaks out in Holy Land

By Sid Roth

Jewish Christian Sid Roth has been investigating supernatural events – claims of healings, prophecies, visions and more – for roughly a generation, but what he just witnessed in Israel, he says, is “the most supernatural event I’ve seen in 40 years.”

In fact, he calls it “the greatest miracle in modern-day Israel’s history.”

Roth just returned from a trip to Ashdod, Israel, the city made famous when Palestinian rocket fire rained down but was mysteriously deflected away to only damage minor targets.

While there, Roth had the chance to speak to 550 Jewish people who had never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ nor witnessed healings in the Holy Spirit, but nonetheless, Roth says, the Spirit of God was alive and moving and 525 of those in attendance stood up to proclaim, Jesus Christ, “Yeshua” in the Hebrew tongue, as Messiah and Lord.

Now, Roth says, the Spirit of God is moving even within the Orthodox Jewish community, as events are unfolding heralding the coming of Messiah.

Watch below:

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See a store full of Sid Roth’s work, including, “They Thought for Themselves,” “Truth Seekers,” “Supernatural Healing,” “The Incomplete Church,” “There Must be Something More,” “Supernatural Experiences” and “Heaven is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations.”

Sid Roth

Raised in a traditional Jewish home, Sid Roth was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Since 1977, his radio and television ministry "Messianic Vision" has sought to boldly proclaim Christ as Messiah, first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16). Read more of Sid Roth's articles here.

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