Data show grizzly’s ‘bizarre’ 2,800-mile trek

By Around the Web

(FOX NEWS) Backyard romps, strolls down main street and across a highway and rugged mountain hikes were all part of a grizzly bear named Ethyl’s “bizarre” 2,800-mile itinerary over the last three years, according to wildlife researchers, who say the bruin’s rambles offer a glimpse into how the fearsome beasts co-exist with man.

The 20-year-old grizzly sow, who was first tagged with a tracking device in 2006, traveled throughout Montana and Idaho, in an amazing walkabout that has a group of state and federal conservationists amazed as they comb through the data. While grizzlies have been known to range long distances, Ethyl’s wanderings were dubbed “bizarre” by one scientist, and believed to have been prompted by her relocation from an unsafe area and long, unsuccessful search for familiar territory.

“The area and terrain she covered was pretty significant,” Lori Roberts, a researcher with the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, told “She just wasn’t travelling on flat ground. She made huge crossings across mountains, rivers, and even towns.”

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