While we were feasting on the holiday turkey and celebrating with family and friends, Obama was pulling another fast one. While we enjoyed the Thanksgiving stuffing, he was busy stuffing the federal register with 3,415 new regulations.
At this time of year, average Americans are worried about scraping up some holiday cash. Meanwhile, Obama seems hellbent on driving up the cost of everything.
Wait a minute! Didn’t this administration get a drubbing in the November election? Americans said “No!” to Obama’s policies, so wouldn’t this be the time to put the breaks on?
The answer from this unabashed president seems to be a resounding, “No! I have two more years in office, and I will spend my time driving this country toward my idea of a socialists utopia, like it or not!”
Reminds me of a conversation I had shortly after Obama took office with a good friend of mine (I’ll call him Mick), a high-ranking Senate staffer who had occupied an office close to the former junior senator from Illinois and got to know him quite well.
I was optimistic after the 2008 election. With the country mired in recession, I thought Obama would put off some of his radical policy goals and would adopt a more pragmatic approach.
Mick burst that balloon with this question: “If you or I were president, would we do the things we think are important to bring this country back to its founding principles, or would we do what we think would get us past the next election?”
My answer was, “Of course, we would do what we think is good for the country.”
“That’s what Obama is doing,” Mick explained. “He is a ‘true believer’ in creating what he feels is a more ‘just society’ through economic redistribution, or socialism, and he isn’t about to alter his goals.”
My friend has gone to be with the Lord now, but his words are seared on my mind. Obama is on a mission, and as long as Republicans and freedom-loving members of his own party play dead, he will run roughshod over them, along with the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution. So tighten your belt and do your best to hold on to what’s left in your wallet. It’s going to be a rough ride.
Our capitalist system isn’t perfect, but it has provided the people of this country with the highest standard of living in the world. Socialism has never worked as advertised to the masses. When you try to make everyone equal, you have to ask yourself, “Equal to what?”
A socialist system sucks up the fruits of labor, along with personal incentive. The only people who prosper under a socialist system are those who run it. They live like kings, while the rest of the population suffers.
Just look at what has happened under Obamacare. People who put aside money for quality health care are punished, and those who don’t work – or work very little – are rewarded. However, the end result is the same for everyone. Average Americans have to make do with less.
Regulation is a powerful tool in the hands of those who want to drain the life’s blood out of a capitalist system. It is used to cripple private enterprise, confiscate private property and resources or render them useless.
Our behemoth government is growing at a rapid rate that, under the current system, simply cannot be sustained. On Black Friday, while we were busy searching for holiday bargains, our national debt slipped past the $18 trillion mark. Interest rates are artificially low, which masks the true extent of the problem. What happens when those interest rates go up? Massive tax increases will be imposed to service that debt.
Those tax increases will soak up the bulk of your income, and those federal regulations will take care of the rest. And remember, when you lose the ability to control your property and a fair portion of what you earn, freedom is just an illusion.
Since Obama’s inauguration in 2009, 15,794 new rules have been added to the federal register. Prior to this latest Thanksgiving dump, the cost of Obama’s regulations on the American economy was $73 billion a year.
While we don’t yet know the full cost of the new regulations, we do known that his Unified Agenda for fall 2014 contains 189 major ones, those costing more than $100 million a year.
So have yourself a merry little Christmas, and forget about what your elected representatives are doing to you and your children – if you dare.
Media wishing to interview Jane Chastain, please contact [email protected].