Democrats’ war on whites

By Around the Web

(Washington Times) — To paraphrase President Obama’s controversial spiritual mentor Jeremiah Wright: “America’s race-baiting chickens are coming home to roost.”

See, there is a tectonic shift in political demographics taking shape, and it’s not the one you’ve been sold by the lame-stream media. This demographic shift is actually deciding elections like the 2014 midterms, yet largely goes unreported since it doesn’t reinforce politically correct dogma.

Turns out the Leftist intelligentsia that dominates the punditry would rather be wrong on Election Night than tell the truth before or after.

The conventional wisdom claims conservatives turn out en masse in midterm elections like the one we just had, while presidential elections are more demographically diverse and thus favor the Democrats. But as is typically the case, the actual numbers proves the conventional wisdom wrong.

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