Don’t forget the feminists

By WND Staff

Joseph Farah is right on with his analysis of why China is beating the U.S. But he needs to add that the feminist insanity has a lot to do with this also.

This Marxist-feminism has resulted in the eating away of the fundamental fabric of this nation over time. Basic institutions such as marriage and the fundamental relationships between men and women are being trashed.

How much of this big-government insanity is devoted to making girls feel really good about themselves and their vaginas?

Too many shrill feminists have taken over government positions and are radically pushing their big-government “empowerment” lie to the detriment of men, who have been dis-empowered as a result.

Men are now required to just put up, pay up and shut up in this brave new Marxist-feminist world. Men have been emasculated over the past 40-plus years to the point that they no longer have the testicular fortitude to fight this overpowering Marxist-feminist assault on their dignity. If men act like men, the favorite feminist terms used to shut them down are “insensitive” or “inappropriate” or “unacceptable.” This is how they shut down free speech and thought.

The affirmative-action mentality that currently rules this nation is a result of Marxist-feminist doctrine, and it has been used to push unqualified females and minorities into positions for which they are not at all qualified.


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