Hannity tears into ‘John Gruber Boehner’

By Around the Web

(DAILY CALLER) Sean Hannity, host of Fox News’ “Hannity,” slammed Speaker of the House John Boehner for his deal with President Barack Obama, calling him John “Gruber” Boehner and demanding his ouster.

HANNITY: John “Gruber” Boehner, two days after the election, talking tough on the issue of amnesty. But unfortunately, that is all it was, because, it’s conservatives who feel like they have been burned, as the Speaker aligned himself with the President, with Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer, and Joe Biden to pass a spending bill just a short time ago.

John Boehner Grubered conservatives tonight and by that, I mean the conservative base in particular. And Michelle Bachmann hit the nail on the head; he never would have done this before the election.

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