House OK’s funding to repeat Damascus Massacre

By William Murray

On Dec. 4, the House of Representatives passed a new 1,648-page, $585 billion Defense Authorization Act that contained at least another $1 billion for “moderate” Islamist rebels to overthrow the secular government of Syria. The actual totals are impossible to ascertain because of the way the bill is written; billions are slated for “foreign cooperation” in fighting terror. I’m not sure at all who that money goes to or why – and I doubt many in Congress who voted for this bill know either.

The said funding bill, H.R. 3979, at the time it was first passed was originally titled as an IRS reform bill, but then the title was changed for the vote to the “Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act of 2014.” After the actual bill was passed, another resolution was passed to change the name of the bill to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Got that?

The language of the NDAA authorizes some of the funds to go to fight the secular government of Syria, which means it will be used in an attempt to establish a pro-Saudi Arabia, Sunni government in Syria. Christians and Shiites will be run off or killed as they have been several times before in history, for instance, as our ambassador to Syria reported in 1860.

During the legislative process, I attempted, as did others, to persuade members of Congress to add an amendment to the NDAA that required President Obama to certify that none of the funds would be transferred to Islamic militias who had violated the terms of the Geneva Conventions in the last 24 months.

Of course, President Obama could not make such a certification to Congress because “moderate rebels,” including officers of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), have publicly stated on numerous occasions that they have transferred weapons and assisted al-Nusra and other terror groups and have executed prisoners without trial. In fact the Free Syrian Army has taken public credit for attacks on churches and Christian schools in Jaramana, which is a majority Christian city in Syria.

There is too much suffering for Christians in the Middle East as it is, and our government does not need to add to it! The Christians of Iraq, since the loss of Mosul, have given up and will not go back. This is a disaster for the church, and our government should not be involved at all – unless it is to help Christians, not run them off.

The Congress of the United States has authorized arms and funds to Islamist militias that will be used for the same purpose as the arms supplied for the massacre of Christians in and around Damascus, Syria, in 1860.

“Damascus Massacre – Letter from the American Consul at Beirut, Syria.” That was the headline of the story in the New York Times on Aug. 10, 1860. The story dealt with the massacre of Christians by Muslims, as reported by the ambassador at the time. Sounds like a newspaper headline of today, doesn’t it?

Syrian Christians have told me face to face that the period of the Assad family’s political control of Syria was a “golden age” for them. Syrian Christian leaders visiting members of Congress just this year said Christians were treated more fairly under the Baath Party than they had been since 634 when Muhammad’s successors, the Rashidun Caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Khattab, invaded the Levant (what is today Syria, Lebanon and parts of Jordan and Israel.)

Those Christians who survived the invasion and takeover in the seventh century were placed under Shariah law with few legal protections and were subject to heavy discriminatory taxes, with the threat of sudden attack never far away. In 1860, when Syria was a part of the brutal Ottoman Empire, a local rebellion by some Christians started in a village near Damascus, and the surrounding Muslims began a mass slaughter of Christians, who soon tried to surrender but to no avail. Ottoman troops offered no protection whatever.

The American consul to Syria in August of 1860 reported to President James Buchanan that an estimated 11,000 Christians had already been killed, with many towns and villages having been destroyed. In Damascus itself, rampaging mobs killed thousands in the Christian quarter, afterward looting everything that could be carried away and then putting the entire quarter to the torch.

Samuel Clemens (author Mark Twain) affirmed this report when traveled in the Levant in 1861, a journey he recounted in his book “Innocents Abroad.” In Damascus, he visited the mausoleum of the Christian victims of this massacre, and he related that there had been 5,000 people killed in the city. Mark Twain further wrote in his book:

“All the Christians who could get away fled from the city, and the Mohammedans would not defile their hands by burying the ‘infidel dogs.’ The thirst for blood extended to the high lands of Hermon and Anti-Lebanon, and in a short time twenty-five thousand more Christians were massacred and their possessions laid waste. …”

After the 400-year rule of the Ottoman Turks ended with their defeat in World War I, the borders of modern Syria were drawn under the French Mandate, and life started to improve for religious minorities including the Christians. Syria, like other countries of the Middle East under the rule of the victorious European Allies, was no longer governed by Shariah law, so there was equal protection for all. Secular rulers came to power under constitutions mandating that no members of a religious party, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, could hold power. French and English were taught in the schools, and girls and women had the right to be educated.

This stabilized the Christian population, which became prosperous, and Christians even held high offices in Iran, Iraq and Syria – that is, until the United States decided to overthrow the secular governments and establish “democracies” that allowed religious parties such as the Muslim Brotherhood to hold power. The sad result is evident today in enslaved, displaced and murdered Christians. At the request of the despotic royal family of Saudi Arabia, the Congress of the United States in collusion with President Barack Obama continues to train and arm Sunni rebel militias for the purpose of establishing yet another Sunni government in the Middle East that will impose Shariah law on what few Christians remain. Our tax dollars being used for such a purpose should stir up rage in the hearts of every Christian in this nation.

William J. Murray is the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C. He is currently in the Middle East overseeing the Christmas for Refugees program, which provides Christmas meals for Christian refugee children in Lebanon and Jordan.

William Murray

William J. Murray is the chairman of the Washington, D.C.-based Religious Freedom Coalition and the author of seven books including "My Life Without God," which chronicles his early life in the home of destructive atheist and Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Having lived the Marxist and the Ayn Rand lifestyle, he has a unique perspective on religion and politics. Read more of William Murray's articles here.

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