Obama a constitutional scholar? No, a ‘scofflaw’

By WND Staff

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Barack Obama’s fans repeatedly have praised him as a constitutional scholar. He himself has noted his expertise on the nation’s founding document. Even the online Answers.com confirms, “Yes, he is considered a scholar of constitutional law.”

But not GOP icon and commentator Pat Buchanan, a WND columnist and author of “Suicide of a Superpower” and “The Death of the West'”

For him, Obama is a “constitutional scofflaw.”

In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday, Buchanan said: “As for the president, the president is a constitutional scofflaw. … He has set himself up, he didn’t have the authority to offer amnesty to five million people. Then he went ahead and did it. Then he said ‘I didn’t change the law.’ Then he said ‘I changed the law.'”

Buchanan said Obama is “all over the lot.”

Nevertheless, he said,  Obama is “president of the United States.”

The two were discussing what Congress can do to halt Obama’s executive action to delay deportation of millions of illegal aliens, effectively granting amnesty through”prosecutorial discretion.”

Buchanan had little confidence in the GOP leadership in Congress.

“Basically they’re throwing the tea-party folks under the bus,” he said. “In the end, I think the leadership will go into the tank on this one.”

Buchanan said the GOP should have a stronger backbone, because the party was not hurt when the government was shut down last year in response to its effort to defund Obamacare.

“What they’re afraid of is the media,” he said. “They don’t believe they can fight and make the case that they are not shutting down the government, they are defunding part of one program, or something like that, and Defense and Justice and all the rest are being funded.”

He said the GOP would be better off in 2016 if its members present a strong stand now on issues American voters said were important in the recent midterm elections.

The message from voters, he said, which resulted in historic GOP gains in statehouses, governors’ office and both chambers of Congress, “was to stand up against this man who’s leading us the wrong way.”

The two also joked about Obama’s latest gaffe, in which he made up a Bible verse.

“The Good Book says don’t throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we’re looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the mote in other folks’ eyes,” Obama said in a speech in Nashville, Tennessee, as he was justifying his recent executive action granting amnesty for up to 5 million illegal aliens.

See the video:

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But the Bible never mentions “glass houses.”

In fact, Buchanan told Hannity, “I don’t think there were that many glass houses in Galilee.”

Hannity pointed out the mistake was “not as bad” as when the president pronounced military corpsman as “corpse-man.”

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