Obama’s rule by memo

By Joseph Farah

So you didn’t think it could get any worse than a U.S. president ruling by executive order, even when he himself acknowledged repeatedly that he didn’t have the constitutional power to do so?

Guess what.

It is worse than that.

As WND documented this week, Barack Obama’s much-publicized and widely discussed executive order providing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens … doesn’t even exist.

That’s right. You heard correctly. No paperwork for an executive order has been filed or signed by Obama.

This has been confirmed by two reliable, unimpeachable officials on the record:

  • National Archives librarian Jeffrey Hartley told WND in writing: “As I indicated, it would appear that there is not an Executive Order stemming from the president’s remarks on Nov. 20 on immigration. The only two documents that I have located are two Presidential Memoranda, which are available from the White House site. They can also be found in the Nov. 26, 2014, issue of the Federal Register.”
  • The Office of Texas Attorney General and Governor-elect Greg Abbot, which has filed a lawsuit against the Obama immigration action, told WND it was aware there was no executive order signed by Obama implementing the actions outlined to the nation in his Nov. 20 speech.

What does that mean?

For starters, it means Obama is now attempting to govern illegally by memo.


Since Obama unequivocally told the nation repeatedly that he did not have the power to change immigration law through executive order, one can only speculate that he is hedging his bets – maybe even protecting himself legally.

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But that’s just speculation. Obama loves to keep Americans guessing. The man who told the nation he would lead “the most transparent administration in American history” has done anything but for six years.

Maybe it’s a clever technique to protect his sweeping amnesty initiative, which is already being implemented, from the inevitable lawsuits that have followed. Already, 16 other states have joined Texas in challenging Obama’s elusive action.

Stranger still is the muted non-reaction from Republican leadership in Congress. So far not a word. Meanwhile, it’s abundantly clear that House Speaker John Boehner and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have no intention of mixing it up with Obama over his tyrannical, unlawful and insidious pretension to dictatorial rule by memo.

And where’s the rest of the media who have faithfully and dutifully reported that Obama has filed and signed an executive order rewriting immigration law?

So far, no interest – though I expect that to change despite the embarrassment it surely caused.

I’ve been in the news business for more than 35 years. I have to tell you this is one of the strangest stories I have ever seen.

Who could have imagined that a president of the United States would get up in front of the entire country and say he was filing an executive order to forgive millions of illegal aliens for their offenses and not actually do it?

Who could have imagined that the American and international press would just assume he did – never bothering to find the actual executive order to see what it says?

Who could have imagined that Republicans in both houses of Congress would not notice, not bother to read the specifics of the non-existent order?

Such is the sad state of government and the sad state of the media in America circa 2014.

And where’s the accountability? Where do the America people turn now to protect their Constitution and their right to govern themselves?

Good luck. Unless you can start a popular brushfire to catch the attention of the timid Republicans in Congress, you’ll have to accept this nonsense as part of what Obama promised – “the fundamental transformation of America.”

Maybe it’s time for ordinary, hardworking, taxpaying American citizens to get out in the streets like those professional agitators with their arms up in the air. We’re losing America and the rule of law by fiat.

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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