So self-centered group-think idiots take over the Brooklyn Bridge, the West Side Highway and other major streets.
They cannot bring Eric Garner back. They can only inconvenience hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers.
This becomes their goal. They delight in making their neighbors miserable.
The cops manage to arrest a measly 50 people. This crowd of malcontents causes more intentional inconvenience than Daniel Pantaleo, who accidentally killed a fat, asthmatic, sick Garner.
In fact, the protests kept professor Bruce Robbins from getting the cops to investigate the suicide note of his son because all the cops were tied up with the meaningless demonstrations.
Why were most of the mob protestors given a pass? Because they had a make-shift cause: the death of fat, sick Eric Garner.
The cause itself is flimsy. The victim was resisting arrest, and Pantaleo never dreamed that he was killing Garner.
If people just blocked the Brooklyn Bridge without a phony cause like Garner, they would all be arrested and given some jail time. They should be punished. They are punishing other New Yorkers.
When are we going to stop protesters from hurting innocent citizens? Their causes don’t justify the results. The highway to hell is paved with their simpleminded intentions of justice.
David Lawrence