MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Rosalie Crestani, the Rise Up Australia Party’s councilor for the City of Casey, has become a world figure for speaking out with politically incorrect courage about the medical dangers of the extreme promiscuity that is the norm among homosexuals.
Fellow councilors and council officials have launched a venomous and unlawful campaign of attacks on her because she had dared to propose resolutions that the Council should no longer promote homosexuality in its staff training, publicly displayed notices, press releases or committee meetings.
I make no apology for returning to this subject for a third and final week. For Councillor Crestani’s rare courage is now inspiring people around the world to speak up where previously they feared to say anything for fear of the “backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.”
My WND columns of the past two weeks have echoed around the globe. In my first column on the subject, I had pointed out (accurately) that repeated surveys have shown that the average homosexual has 500-1,000 sexual partners in a lifetime.
Nigel Farage, the leader of the now-triumphant United Kingdom Independence Party and Britain’s most successful current politician, reads my weekly columns avidly.
He issued a trenchant condemnation of my homosexual-promiscuity figures, saying I had no conceivable basis for them. By this device, this subtlest of politicians earned himself a much-needed brownie-point or two with the pink-trousered bien-pensants of the Marxstream media.
However, Nigel knows that mathematicians like me do not bandy figures about without having a very good idea where they came from. Privately, he was entirely confident that I could back up my figures with their sources – which I did, in spades, in last week’s column.
One of Mrs Crestani’s fellow councilors had also challenged her statement that the mean partner-encounter rate per homosexual lifetime is 500-1,000. And he ought to have known: As a result of these events, he has decided to “come out” as a “gay.”
Now, why does the extravagant promiscuity that is characteristic of the homosexuals’ way of life matter? Because it kills them.
Councillor Crestani, whom her fellow councilors stripped of all her committee positions Tuesday for daring to love the homosexual victims of homosexuality, nevertheless had the courage to stand up in the Chamber that day and read out the following statistics describing the disease and death that are the inevitable consequence of the extreme promiscuity prevalent among homosexuals:
- A male homosexual is eight times more likely to contract hepatitis and 14 times more likely to contract syphilis than a male heterosexual (Artnak, E., and Cerda, J., 1983, The gay bowel syndrome, Current Concepts in Gastroenterology Jul/Aug, p. 6);
- Almost half of male homosexuals have a history of alcohol abuse, compared to a quarter of males generally (Schmidt, T, 1995, Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, p. 101);
- Homosexuals of both sexes are thrice as likely to be problem drinkers as the general population (Schmidt, op. cit.);
- More than half of male homosexuals have a history of drug abuse, compared to just 1 in 14 males generally (Schmidt., op. cit.);
- More than four-fifths of Australian homosexuals sometimes use recreational drugs (Prestage, op. cit., Report C2, 45.);
- One Australian homosexual in five uses amyl at least once a week; one in three uses marijuana at least once a week; one in six use heroin, cocaine or speed at least once a month; and one in eight injected other drugs (Richters, J., et al., 1998, Sydney Gay Community Surveillance Report: Update to December 1997, Report no. 6, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Macquarie University, Sydney, June, p. 15);
- “Gay men and bisexual and homosexually experienced heterosexual individuals had higher levels of psychological distress compared with exclusively heterosexual individuals” (Cochrane, S., and Mays, V., 2007, Physical health complaints among lesbians, gay men, and bisexual and homosexually experienced heterosexual individuals: results from the California quality of life survey, American Journal of Public Health, April 26);
- “For the vast majority of homosexual men, and for a significant number of homosexual women – even apart from the deadly plague of AIDS – sexual behavior is obsessive, psychopathological, and destructive to the body” (Schmidt, op. cit., p. 130);
- Homosexual men, because of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, can expect a lifespan up to 21 years shorter than other men (Hogg, Robert, et al., 1997, Modelling the impact of HIV disease on mortality in gay and bisexual men, International Journal of Epidemiology 26(2): 657-661 at 657);
- Life expectancy for gay and bisexual men is reported as eight to 20 years less than for all men, and if the same pattern of mortality were to continue, it is estimated that nearly half of gay and bisexual men now aged 20 will not reach their 65th birthdays (ibid.).
At this point, Councillor Crestani broke down in tears of sorrow for those young people whose lives are likely to be so tragically shortened by conduct that her fellow councilors think we should “celebrate.”
For what those jumped-up numbskulls have failed from the start to understand is that Councillor Crestani’s first and foremost concern is for the homosexuals who are the chief victims of homosexuality. It is they who are most directly at risk. It was they for whose ghastly fate she wept.
Threescore years and 10 is our allotted span, yet one or two of the seven or eight decades of a normal lifespan will be lost to the averagely active homosexual. I fail to see how any sane Council could in good conscience “celebrate” a lifestyle so fatal. Weeping, not “celebrating,” is surely the appropriate response.
The Council of the City of Casey knifed Councillor Crestani behind closed doors in a kangaroo court. However, to its surprise, her lawyer was in the chamber. He watched the mayor ruthlessly and unlawfully railroading her when she tried to ask that her trial be heard in public.
Robert Balzola is a cross between a Rottweiler, a bulldozer and a howitzer. A pompous Council official ordered him out of the chamber and threatened to call the police unless he complied.
He got straight on the phone to the nearest county court, where the judge gave him an ex-parte interlocutory order over the telephone to the effect that the Council had not accorded Councillor Crestani her right to natural justice and had unlawfully excluded the public from the hearing. Such orders are rare as dragon’s teeth. The Council is now in big trouble, for which its long-suffering ratepayers will have to fork out.
The councilors, in a race with the judge, galloped through the closed kangaroo-court proceedings. Meanwhile, 100 supporters of Councillor Crestani, who had been driven out of the chamber, sang lusty revivalist hymns on the steps of the Council building in the balmy summer evening, conducted by a pastor from the Kenyan missions.
The deputy mayor, a malevolent atheist, said she had had enough of this manure (or a word to that effect) and said she did not want to go out of the front door. I told her she would be given safe passage and no one would harm her.
Why is it only the Christians who seem to care about the homosexuals and their suffering? Why is it only we who pray for them and stand up for them against the hard-left campaigners who exploit them as part of the long campaign to sap the morality that was once the strength of the West?
Why can you not get any of the hard facts and painful figures in this and the previous two columns on this escalating affair anywhere in the Marxstream media? Why don’t they care? Why are they so shriekingly afraid of the truth?
Media wishing to interview Christopher Monckton, please contact [email protected].