(CNSNews.com) – Texas has incurred economic harm — and expects to suffer additional economic harm — because of President Obama’s past and current executive action on immigration, but that’s not why the state is suing the Obama administration, says Texas Attorney General and soon-to-be-governor Greg Abbott:
“What we’re suing for is actually the greater harm, and that is harm to the Constitution by empowering the president of the United States to enact legislation on his own without going through Congress,” Abbott told NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd.
“Texas has had a long tradition of uniting the Hispanic culture with Texas values,” Abbott said. “But remember this, there’s a reason why people come from across the world to the United States, and that is because of the power of what the Constitution has enabled this country to be. It’s the Constitution itself that is under assault by the president of the United States by this executive order.