What a crock!

By WND Staff

Spot on, Joseph [“Obama: Arsonist in chief”]. If there isn’t a crisis, the liar in chief will create one – the latest being a racial crisis, engineered and manufactured, as you correctly stated, from the White House.

Why else would Obama hire Al Sharpton, the black community agitator? Now Eric Holder’s going to do away with racial profiling once and for all? How’s he going to do that – outlaw white cops from arresting black people? Only allow black cops to arrest black people and white cops to arrest white people? How about Asians, Native Americans, Muslims and other minorities? Are they racially profiled if they’re pulled over or arrested by a cop of a different race? What a crock!

I’ve reminded friends that the Civil War was fought over black people during time of a divided nation. Are we about to see history repeat itself? It’s beginning to look that way!

Richard Meixner

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