As a book publisher, I advise authors never to promote their title until it’s available in bookstores across America.
Today I am breaking one of those cardinal rules of publishing.
That’s because I am shortly publishing a book I only wish I wrote, even though I know the author did a much better job than I could ever do myself. Nevertheless, I am just a little bit envious of the title and the contents.
It’s called “When a Jew Rules the World” by New York Times best-selling author Joel Richardson.
As you might expect from the title, it’s about the Millennial Kingdom, the thousand-year reign of Jesus-Yeshua on planet Earth, which follows what I believe is His imminent return.
It’s a completely necessary book because most Christians simply don’t know what to expect when He comes back – even though, as Richardson explains through a thorough review of Bible prophecy, it’s clear from a reading of Jesus-Yeshua’s own words as well as all the writings of the Hebrew prophets.
Why am I talking about it prematurely, before it is out in bookstores and before anyone can actually get it immediately delivered to their door?
Frankly, I can’t wait. I am just too excited about it. I’ve read it, reread it and reread it again. I want to talk about it.
What will that Kingdom be like?
Perhaps no one previously has explained it better in any popular book before.
But “When a Jew Rules the World” offers much more than that.
It is also the best biblical critique of what is often called “replacement theology.” I know that’s a controversial and potentially loaded phrase. Usually those who subscribe to “replacement theology” don’t call it that. They have other names for it. But, no matter what you call it, it remains the pervasive theological view of most Christians and holds that Gentiles who follow Jesus-Yeshua are the true heirs of the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant and the New Covenant.
The genealogical children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, say adherents, have been supplanted due to lack of faith and the failure to embrace their Messiah – Jesus-Yeshua.
This column-review is not intended to spoil any of it for you – whether it sounds like something you will adore or revile.
In fact, it’s meant to entice you to catch up on Joel Richardson’s previous books, teachings and sensational new movie that set the stage for what I believe will be his essential work – a breathtakingly epic work that will either strengthen your faith and convictions about how the world will soon be shaken to its very core, shocking billions, or rock your spiritual world right now.
Would I like you to pre-order the book?
Sure. In fact, if you do so now from the WND Superstore, you will be among the very first to receive it – long before it makes its way to bookstores throughout North America. But, equally importantly, I want to introduce you to Richardson’s latest movie, “End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of the Messiah’s Return,” which is available right now – a masterful documentary that introduces you to prophetic events taking place in the world before our eyes but obscured by so much noise most are missing their significance.
Do you want to understand the significance of ISIS?
Watch this movie.
Do you want to understand what’s happening in Turkey?
Watch this movie.
Do you want to understand what’s happening in Egypt?
Watch this movie.
Joel Richardson spent much of the last year in the Middle East conducting interviews with persecuted Christians, Islamic leaders and filming tumultuous events the news media have largely missed and certainly have failed to put in context from a biblical perspective.
Richardson is without doubt one of the most important young prophecy teachers in the world today. No one better explains the key role of Islam in the end times. If you haven’t read “The Islamic Antichrist” and “Mideast Beast,” you owe it to yourself to do so now. If you haven’t seen his teaching videos on the subject, they will blow your mind.
And all of this is just the first of a five-course biblical teaching banquet he has prepared for his upcoming feast – “When a Jew Rules the World.”
There, I did it. I broke my own rules of publishing. I teased a book that won’t be out yet for weeks. But this isn’t about selling books for me. This is about sharing the exciting truth.
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].