“In brainwashing and the eliciting of confessions, the physiological importance of inducing a sense of guilt and conflict can hardly be over emphasized.”
– William Sargant, “Battle for the Mind ”
Apparently, Dr. Walter Williams’ European Amnesty certificates have finally made their appearance at Notre Dame. For whatever reason, too many students must have opted out of the university’s “white guilt” trip. So the curricula was renamed “white privilege” and credit given toward graduation. But kudos to Harvard, which got there first.
What do you suppose is the end-game of all this?
Our opening quote continues:
“The prisoner may be bombarded with accusations and continually cross examined until anxiety confuses him and he contradicts himself on some small point. This is then used as a stick to beam him with; presently his brain ceases to function normally and he collapses. In a subsequent highly suggestible state, with old thought patterns inhibited, he will readily sign and deliver the desired confession.” (p. 231)
We’re not prisoners, of course. We can get on an airplane … well, maybe, if we are not on a list. Or drive elsewhere – but of course driving is not a right but a privilege, which can be revoked by the authorities. Just like a passport.
The end-game of white whatchamacallit is remarkably simple: free money, also known as “reparations.” I guess that would be free money in excess of the 5 trillion or so the nation has already spent since LBJ’s Great Society “eliminated” poverty. Many of those dollars went into inner cities like Ferguson. And remember to add in the 1 or 2 trillion dollars tacked on by the Obama/Hillary/Holder Chicago community organizer administration, wherever those dollars ended up.
I find it interesting that the opening quote is discussing “physiological” elements of brainwashing. William Sargant took a close look at Pavlov’s research on dogs in the then-new Soviet Union. The Soviets and the Chinese found the research very useful in their re-education camps, as Mr. Sargant details elsewhere in his book, which was first published in 1957.
George Orwell’s novel “1984” has been a college staple textbook from at least the days when I darkened those doors. Sargant notes:
“Orwell in his novel ‘1984’ tells how the hero, while being indoctrinated, is found to have an overwhelming fear of rats, the relic of a fright in early childhood. This knowledge is used by his interrogator to procure his final submission, and to convert his hatred of ‘Big Brother’ into an uncritical love.” (p. 236)
It is indeed an amazing situation when the free press enshrined in our Constitution turns against their own freedom, and signs on as willing propagandists intent on keeping the nations’ racial wounds from healing. Add the federal government, academia, foundations and various “reverends,” and you have a well-oiled propaganda machine designed to separate productive Americans from what little money they still have after seven years of a massive and persistent economic downturn.
Why, it almost sounds like what Aldous Huxley described:
“New and previously undreamed-of devices for exciting mobs have been invented. There is the radio, which has enormously extended the range of the demagogue’s raucous yelling. There is the loud-speaker, amplifying and indefinitely reduplicating the heady music of class hatred and militant nationalism. There is the camera (of which it was once naively said that ‘it cannot lie’ and its offspring, the movies and television). … Assemble a mob of men and women previously conditioned by a daily reading of newspapers; treat them to amplified band music, bright lights, and the oratory of a demagogue who (as demagogues always are) is simultaneously the exploiter and the victim of herd intoxication, and in next to no time you can reduce them to a state of almost mindless subhumanity. Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or criminals of so many.” (“The Devils of Loudun,” 1952)
Today we must add to that mix the Internet, the propagandists’ and interrogators’ wildest dream come true, where propaganda can be customized and delivered personally to each and every one of us, 24/7. We the imbibers willingly subscribe to, bookmark, favorite and forward on our own peculiar brand of brainwashing to our friends.
If such a nation no longer makes rational choices, need we wonder why? Satan, himself, could not have dreamed up a more perfect system for collapsing the rational mind and ushering in the kingdom to come.
The New Kingdom begins here: “Reconnaissance”
Media wishing to interview Craige McMillan, please contact [email protected].