Dear Mr. Farah:
I agree completely that it is a serious danger to our union for either of the two potential presidential candidates to secure their respective party’s nominations [“Nightmare 2016: Bush vs. Clinton”]. They represent, from all things considered, the worst of the New World Order. It’s like the movie tagline from “Predator v. Alien”: “Predator v. Alien: Whoever Wins, We Lose.”
Sums it up pretty succinctly.
On your comment that several potential candidates should step aside, I agree: First one to go should be Huckabee, who hasn’t the job skills; second one is … I don’t know, because Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are both so valuable doing the job they’re presently engaged in – I’d hate to lose their Senate leadership. That leaves one, Ben Carson. I’d like to see Cruz and Paul and Carson stay in for a while, just so they can direct the discussion.
No more Karl, either way. I’m not as opposed to Romney as you are – mostly because he has administrative talent, and we need management at the top. Serious management, not Jarrett/Rice/Obumber mismanagement. I’d prefer a Romney to a Jebba the Hut Bush or a Chrusty the Clown Christie any day.
Jim McFarland