Fox News dissed by Obama at lunch?

By Around the Web

(WASHINGTONTIMES) — Was Fox News dissed at the media luncheon with President Obama that’s held in the lead-up to the State of the Union? Shepard Smith with Fox News says: Quite possibly.

The place card for Fox News’ Mr. Smith and colleague Bret Baier read “FOX,” The Blaze reported. But the place cards for other network attendees read “ABC News,” “NBC News,” and the like, Mr. Smith said.

“I sat next to Brian Williams and we all had these place cards and his said, ‘Brian Williams, NBC News.’ And across from me was David Muir — the new guy on ABC — it said ‘David Muir, ABC News.’ And I looked at mine and it doesn’t say anything about news. It just says ‘Fox.’ And I looked at Bret Baier’s and it said, ‘Bret Baier, Fox.’ And all the rest of them said news,” Mr. Smith said, the Blaze reported.

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