Gadgets cause drooping jowls, ‘tech-neck’ wrinkles

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(IBTIMES) — Dermatologists are blaming smartphones and tablets for causing sagging skin and wrinkles in younger generations, including a wrinkling condition dubbed “tech neck”.

The latest ailment to result from modern technology can be found mostly in people aged 18 to 39 who own an average of three devices.

Tech neck refers to a specific crease just above the collar bone that is caused by repeated bending of the neck to look at the screen of a portable device.

“The problem of wrinkles and sagging of the jowls and neck used to begin in late middle age but, in the last 10 years, because of ‘tech neck’, it has become a problem for a generation of younger women,” said Dr Christopher Rowland Payne, a consultant dermatologist at The London Clinic.

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