Is Obama pushing America toward biblical judgment?

By Leo Hohmann


Islamic terrorists slaughtering Christians in Iraq, revival breaking out in Egypt, the emergence of a nuclear Iran, and America’s continued descent into the moral, cultural abyss.

These are just a few of the topics that will be covered at the Prophecy in the News Orlando Prophecy Conference March 5-7 at the Orlando Hyatt Regency.

More than two dozen speakers will be coming to Florida to give their perspectives on the news events that have rocked the world — civil uprisings in the U.S., violent upheaval among Europe’s Islamic communities, and the possibility of judgment coming to America.

Registrations are being taken on the sponsor’s website.

Here are some of the speakers who have joined the lineup:

Corsi32Jerome Corsi, best-selling author of six books including “Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality” and a senior staff writer for WND, will focus on the presidency of Barack Obama and how his atheist-socialist worldview is helping push the nation to the brink of disaster. Worse yet is the possibility of judgment by the Almighty.

“We are building toward an international economic crash, a race war, an out-of-control invasion across the Mexican border, a massive global war against radical Islam spinning out of control with Paris-style attacks in Europe and the United States,” Corsi said.

Meanwhile, the Middle East is being destabilized and he believes a war for the survival of Israel will begin with Iran. All of this is likely to play out in the last two years of the Obama presidency.

“More than simply impeaching Obama, I believe he should be put on trial for offenses committed in Chicago that he has continued in the White House — lying to the American people about his upbringing as a Muslim, his training as a communist, his determination to lower/destroy the USA, and his constant lying and ‘management of the message’ from the White House,” said Corsi, who is working on an updated version of his book, called “ObamaNation II: Judgment Day.”

“I will give probably the first public preview of OBN2 at the Prophecy Conference,” Corsi said.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn will speak on “Things to Come: The Harbingers of the Shemitah.”

When the last Shemitah began in 2007, there were several signs that appeared at the beginning that foreshadowed what would happen at the end in September 2008, said Cahn, author of “The Harbinger” and “The Mystery of the Shemitah.”

When the current Shemitah began, there were also signs, such as China surpassing America as the world’s largest economy, a story reported Oct. 8, 2014 by Business Insider and other publications.

“And these signs could be the foreshadowing of a great calamity that will strike this nation and the world,” Cahn told WND.

Check out Jonathan Cahn’s ground-breaking teachings for modern-day America including “The Mystery of the Shemitah” and “The Harbinger,” as well as WND’s documentary “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.”

The last two cycles of the Shemitah saw the greatest collapses in Wall Street history – each of them taking place on the Shemitah’s day of “wipe out,” which is Elul 29 on the Hebrew calendar. Elul 29 falls on Sept. 13, 2015, at the end of the current Shemitah year.

What might lie ahead as the world approaches this same period? Could there be a collapse coming even greater than anything yet known?

“I believe, no matter what the case – we should be ready,” Cahn said. “Whether we realize it or not, the Shemitah’s opening has already brought the end of the American age. And that was just the beginning. What else may it hold in store?”

Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah will be speaking about prophecy being fulfilled in Egypt today – a prophecy that will be a blessing to the Arab world. Though you don’t read about it in the establishment media, a strong Christian revival has broken out in Egypt and it is happening across denominational lines, with round-the-clock prayer vigils that include ancient sects of Coptic Christians praying with evangelicals. They have paid a great price, as fundamentalist Muslims have doubled down on church burnings, kidnappings and other forms of persecution. Farah, the founder and chief editor of WND, will put it all in perspective and explain Egypt’s role in prophecy outlined thousands of years ago by the Old Testament prophets.

— Bill Salus will be speaking on the “Nuclear Showdown in Iran -Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam.” Modern-day Iran is composed of biblical Persia and Elam.

Jeremiah’s foretelling of Iran’s Future presents a treasure trove of clues about the

Bill Salus
Bill Salus

fate of Iran’s current nuclear aspirations, according to Salus, who cites Jeremiah 49: 34-39 for the basis of his teaching.

Salus, author of “Nuclear Showdown in Iran: The Ancient Prophecy of Elam,” paints a dire picture of what’s ahead.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on record saying Israel will not tolerate a nuclear Iran. The ancient prophecy speaks of God unleashing his wrath on Elam. Will that come in the form of a military strike on the nation’s Bushehr nuclear reactor? Or will there be a Chernobyl-like accident?

The prophet Ezekiel did not include Elam or Persia in his cast of nations that will invade Israel in Ezekiel 38. Could that be because he was aware that Elam/Persia would face its own judgment beforehand? Salus will tackle these questions.

— Doug Stauffer will speak on the rapture – will it be post-, pre- or mid-tribulation – and on “Deliverance or Devastation, Son of God or Son of Perdition?”

Doug Stauffer
Doug Stauffer

Stauffer is an evangelist and author of 10 books, including “One Book One Authority: 2,000 Years of Church and Bible History.”

Stauffer is also an internationally recognized authority in the field of Bible history and defense. He has earned three Bible degrees including a PhD in Religion. Because of his biblical expertise, Oxford University Press commissioned Dr. Stauffer to work as a consulting editor. Along with being a frequent guest speaker on radio and television, he has served for ten years in pastoral ministries and logged thousands of hours teaching through the church and at the college level.

While attending Bible college, Dr. Stauffer passed the CPA exam and went on to enjoy a successful career in the management of several companies. In 1995, he left his position as CFO of a multi-million-dollar corporation in order to dedicate himself more fully to the ministry. Since that time, he has earned a Th.M. in Theology and a PhD in Religion from International Baptist Seminary.

— Robert Cornuke, who heads the Bible Archeology Search and Exploration Institute in Colorado Springs and who some describe as a “Christian Indiana Jones,” will speak on new discoveries that could change everything with regard to the true location of Solomon’s Temple. He will also address Mount Sinai, Paul’s shipwreck and other recent discoveries.

Jerusalem is dominated by the 36-acre Temple Mount, atop which sits the Dome of the Rock, which has occupied the spot since around 692 A.D., following the Muslim conquest in 638 A.D., Cornuke reports in a recent article at The building is atop a massive foundation built more than 2,000 years ago.

For more than 1,000 years, since the Crusades, most scholars have believed that the Temple Mount was the site of Solomon’s Temple, which the Babylonians destroyed in 586 B.C. The same location is cited for Herod’s Temple, which the Roman general Titus destroyed in 70 A.D.

Bob Cornuke
Bob Cornuke

The Temple Mount structure includes the Western Wall, which Jews believe is the sole remaining section of Herod’s Temple.

The problem, Cornuke says, “is the Bible itself in several places clearly says that both temples were erected in the City of David or Zion, which is a far smaller, 12-acre area now being excavated about 600 feet south of the Temple Mount in the City of David Jerusalem Walls National Park.”

If Cornuke is right, the implications are enormous. He spells out these implications in his new book, “Temple,” because this is the most fought-over real estate in human history – sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Book of Revelation says the end times will come when the Jewish people build a new Temple that the anti-Christ will desecrate.

Bottom line: “The Dome of the Rock does not have to be removed for a new Temple to rise,” Cornuke writes. “This would be a stunning reset of the prophetic clock and might explain why Israel came back into existence after 2,000 years and why the Jewish nation is increasingly isolated in a time of violent Islamist expansion.”

Other speakers scheduled to present at the conference are:

Russ Breault – The Day the Shroud Foiled Hitler; The Shroud of Turin: Past, Present, Future.

Billy Crone – The Vatican & the Last Days Deception; Why Won’t My Pastor Preach on Prophecy?

Russ Dizdar – Revelation 19:19 – The Troops of Armageddon; Transhumanism and the Gods of Final Science.

Dan Goodwin – God’s Final Jubilee: 2520: God’s Prophetic Number.

David Hamblin – Millennial Reign Primer Basics; The Great Tribulation: Bad Grapes, Worse Wine and God’s Wrath.

Thomas Ice – Why the Bible Teaches the Pre-Trib Rapture; Christian Zionism.

Terry James – Nearing Midnight; The End-Time Bubble.

Jonathan Matusitz – Islamist Supremacism in America; A Comparative Analysis Between Islam and Christianity.

Brent Miller – Fires From Heaven: New Evidence for Man’s Demise.

Donald Perkins – The Mark of the Beast; Beware of False Christ in the Last Days.

Jerry Robinson – A Crash Course in Surviving the Coming Financial Meltdown; Three Shocking Lies that Christians Believe.

Several other speakers have also joined the lineup to speak on as-yet unannounced topics. They include: Kevin Clarkson, Gary Frazier, Bill Federer, Doug Hagmann, Ken Johnson, Doc Marquis, Paul McGuire and Cris Putnam.

Leo Hohmann

Leo Hohmann has been a reporter and news editor at WND as well as several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas. He also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. His latest book is "Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad." Read more of Leo Hohmann's articles here.

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