Republicans like Romney more than Jeb Bush

By Around the Web

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(WALL STREET JOURNAL) Mitt Romney begins the 2016 Republican presidential primary campaign with significant advantages over Jeb Bush, his chief rival for GOP establishment support, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

More than half (52%) of all Republicans still maintain a positive view of the party’s 2012 nominee, compared to just 37% who said the same about Mr. Bush, the former Florida governor. Mr. Romney does more than 20 percentage points better among self-identified tea party supporters and core Republican voters than does Mr. Bush, who last ran for office in 2002.

The poll was conducted in the days immediately after Mr. Romney began telling potential donors, supporters and aides that he is considering a third run for the White House. Mr. Bush in mid-December announced he’s considering seeking the office once held by his father and his brother.BUS

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