Savage: ‘Satan has entered the soul of the West’

By Kathy Shaidle

150123flagburnMichael Savage

“We have two opposing forces fighting in the world right now,” Savage told his listeners this week.

“Muslim fanatics,” he explained, have simply filled the vacuum left by the progressives who have decimated society: “They destroyed the church, and then Satan entered the soul of the West.”

“What do we even stand for?” Savage wondered. “Sleeping with 15 people then doing an herbal ‘cleanse’ in the morning? Everyone’s into ‘detoxing’ now because they know their souls are polluted” (Free audio).

Speaking of religion, Savage joked, “It seems that every other day, the pope is drinking too much of that papal wine or something worse.”

Savage didn’t agree with Pope Francis’ take on global warming and free speech.

However, after the leader of the Roman Catholic Church condemned the First World’s attempts to force developing countries to liberalize their sexual mores, Savage said: “I actually agree with him, in the sense that a liberal, gay rights agenda in the schools and the rest of society is a problem” (Free audio).

Rush Limbaugh

“I have never – and I shouldn’t say this – I have never cared about a State of the Union Address less than the one I care about today,” Limbaugh told his listeners a few hours before President Obama’s speech, adding: “It’s a vote-buying scheme is what the whole thing is. And it’s an insult to intelligence and all that. And you realize that 90 percent of the stuff that is, well, promised or suggested or offered as a serious intention, never happens anyway” (Free audio).

The day after the address, Limbaugh felt vindicated.

“My instincts [were] right on the money, lowest ratings in 15 years,” the radio host said. “Nobody’s interested. They’re not gonna hear the truth. They’re just pontificating. There’s just not a high degree of trust.”

Aaron Klein

There are at least 22 Islamic militant training camps within the United States, said Klein, who featured a shocking expose of these communes, which are run by the Pakistan-based group Jamaat al-Fuqra, and its main U.S. front group, Muslims of the Americas.

Klein interviewed the senior European rabbi who made headlines after declaring that Jews need to arm themselves for self-defense.

Later, Klein revealed more about New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s ties to George Soros, ACORN and the group behind the recent anti-police demonstrations (Premium audio).

Mark Levin

Once again, Levin advised Republicans in Congress to remember that they hold “the power of the purse” and should use that leverage to defund Obama’s policies.

“When it comes to Obamacare,” said Levin, “why don’t they try repealing it first and then we, the people – the private sector, private industry – we’ll replace it. How about that as an idea?” (Free audio).

Mark Levin has made it clear in the past: He isn’t a fan of Speaker of the House John Boehner. However, he applauded Boehner this week for inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on urgent foreign policy matters, even though the gesture supposedly “violates protocol.”

Levin pointed out that Obama has no right to complain.

“It’s beyond ironic considering that Obama violates the Constitution all the time,” he noted (Free audio).

Laura Ingraham

Filmmaker Michael Moore came under fire after calling Chris Kyle – the subject of Clint Eastwood’s hit film “American Sniper” – a “coward.”

Laura Ingraham joined the chorus of voices condemning Moore’s tweet, saying: “[Moore] has a right to say whatever he says. Of course he does. But we have a right to call him what he is.

“The idea that people who are celebrating Chris Kyle are part of the blood thirsty shoot-em-up military industrial complex culture that we live in is moronic, idiotic and frankly a desperate last gasp from a windbag like Michael Moore” (Free audio).

On the topic of the State of the Union address, Ingraham explained the reason Obama didn’t talk much about immigration is because he knows “he doesn’t have to lobby the Republicans on immigration. He knows, or at least he thinks, he’s already won the argument” (Free audio).

Glenn Beck

Beck criticized President Obama for marring his State of the Union Address with this mean-spirited quip: “I have no more campaigns to run. I know, because I won both of them.”

Judging by the reaction on social media, liberals loved it. Glenn Beck, however, was troubled by the joke.

“Right in the middle of him saying, ‘You know what, I just love everybody and we all have to work together,’ he takes a shiv,” Beck said, calling it “that part where [Obama] just snapped and got all dark and ugly” (Free audio).

Many were stunned when the movie “Selma” didn’t sweep the Oscar nominations. Some commenters cried “racism,” but Beck disagreed.

“Here’s why the Martin Luther King movie only received Best Picture and everybody is up in arms: ‘Oh, this is racism in Hollywood,'” Beck explained. “No, it’s not racism, it’s progressivism. … What they have a problem with is how LBJ was portrayed in that movie. And the last thing that progressives want is for their great hero of the 1960s, LBJ, to be remembered that way” (Free audio).

Kathy Shaidle

Kathy Shaidle is a blogging pioneer whose is now in its 12th year. Her most recent book – "The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada Crushes Freedom in the Name of Human Rights, and Why It Matters to Americans" – features an introduction by Rush Limbaugh guest host Mark Steyn. Read more of Kathy Shaidle's articles here.

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