The headlines are worldwide, and the horror and chaos are clear.
It was a terrorist attack carried out by militant Islamists who clearly identified themselves as such.
No, this wasn’t the Canadian Parliament attack or the Sydney coffee shop attack or against the British soldier in London or the New York policemen attacked with a sword, or, or, or.
This bloodbath was at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo – the French satire magazine. It was deliberate, carefully planned, well executed and deadly.
The killers were well trained and fully armed: AK-47s, rocket launchers, grenades, dynamite, handguns and more.
In the aftermath, eight journalists, including the editor, were dead, as were a maintenance worker and a visitor and two police officers.
Two of the terrorists were killed there – brothers from al-Qaida in Yemen.
But there was more. In a nearby Kosher grocery store, two other gunmen took hostages. At the end of that siege, four hostages were dead, others wounded and one of the two gunmen was dead. His partner, a woman thought to be his wife, escaped. As I write, she’s still at large.
It was three days of violence and bloodshed.
It put France clearly on the alert that they face a serious threat from people they allowed into their country and allowed to have their way with law, tradition, neighborhoods and religious practice.
In commenting on the attacks, Nigel Farage, leader of the Independence Party in the United Kingdom (UKIP) put it succinctly: “Promoting multiculturalism is the biggest mistake Europe has made.”
He added, “We’ve got people living in these countries, holding our passports, who hate us.”
Farage is one of the few political leaders worldwide with the courage to speak a truth that goes against what people in free countries have been force-fed about Islam.
So it should come as no surprise that British Prime Minister David Cameron criticized his statements, as did Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. The bottom line of their gripe was accusing Farage tying to make political points.
And that tack simply underlines the reality and truth of what Farage was saying. Politicians, intellectuals, educators, journalists, media personalities and yes, even religious leaders, from the Vatican on down, have bought the multi-culti line – hook, line and sinker.
They’re so convinced of it that – even when faced with raw terror, coordinated carnage and the statements of the killers themselves as to who they are and why they do what they do – those people keep wearing the rose-colored glasses and spouting the party line: “Islam is a religion of peace, there is no such thing as Islamist terrorism, and it is politically incorrect to say anything negative about Islam.”
And if you do, they’ll kill you.
Actually, that last part is why they maintain the lies: They know they’ll be targeted for death and prefer to avoid it.
Why do you think so many media outlets refuse to show some of the cartoons about Islam and Muhammad from the Charlie Hebdo magazine?
They fear violent retribution. It’s not a vague fear; it’s the truth. Militant Islamists have issued deadly fatwas (orders to kill) against people and organizations they consider to have insulted their religion. Those people require 24-hour protection for the rest of their lives. Many have been killed.
Is the answer censorship (self or otherwise), or free people taking a stand against such barbaric tactics? The direction we’re going is toward censorship and less freedom, but the outcome means just one thing: The terrorists win and we lose.
The United States has a president and administration that never name the enemy. That being the case, we’ve already lost the war.
Militant Islam knows that, and they’re just biding their time.
As Obama is releasing the last of the prisoners from Guantanamo, it’s notable that the majority of them are from Yemen, and it’s also notable that the French attack was organized and masterminded from Yemen.
Such connections don’t seem to make a dent in our media. As a result, the average American has no idea that our own government appears to be selling us out.
We are told we won in Afghanistan, but no. We just stopped and are pulling out. Obama considers that winning. The enemy knows better, and any thinking person does, too.
What does that say about the brave men and women whose lives were sacrificed on the altar Obama has maintained to Islam.
I do know that was not part of their military oath of allegiance to this country and to fight for our freedom.
We are not free if we guide our decisions according to implicit and real threats from bloodthirsty throwbacks to barbarism.
Remember 9/11? The U.S.S. Cole? Bali? The Underwear Bomber?
The Marine Barracks attack? Benghazi? The Boston Marathon bombings? The Times Square bomber? The Arkansas recruiting attack? The first World Trade Center attack? U.S. Embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania? American journalists and aid workers beheaded on video? And don’t forget the Fort Hood slaughter, even though Obama calls it “workplace violence.”
There are many, many more in this country and worldwide, against us and other countries.
The one, single theme of all: Militant Islam against the West.
That is what happened in Paris, and it’s about time we and the rest of the West realize war has been declared, and our challenge is to really fight back and to win at all costs.
The French prime minister said it: “France is at war with terrorism and radical Islam.”
The U.S. president said nothing and, in fact, did not attend the massive Sunday rally, even though heads of state of 37 countries found time in their schedules to attend. Eric Holder was scheduled to be there.
How embarrassing. I sure hope Obama’s not playing golf.
Nevertheless, what happens next won’t be pretty. War never is, but if we and the West continue as we have been, we lose – and that really won’t be pretty.
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