Joe Biden has echoed the sentiments of his boss – suggesting terrorist extremism is just as much of a problem with Christians as it is among Muslims.
The Muslim Public Affairs Council Tweeted out kudos to the vice president for referring at a White House summit to right-wing extremists and supremacists committing violence “in the name of the Bible.”
“Biden just talked about the right-wing militias and supremacist groups that are violent in the name of the Bible,” commented the group on its Twitter account. “We wanted them (WH) to include other type of violent extremists. Now they have, let’s keep asking and push.”
The comments sounded similar to those by Barack Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast where he reminded the nation about terrorism and violence “in the name of Christ” perpetrated by so-called Christians between 200 years ago and a thousand years ago.
Can I ask a simple question? Can Biden or Obama or anyone who pushed this moral equivalency pabulum name one instance of Bible-inspired terrorism? Just one, please. While Islam literally conducts a scorched-earth policy around the globe, where is that instance of Christian terror?
It’s one thing to point out instances of terrorist violence that are actually occurring in association with a specific religious belief. It is another to make them up in association with another religious belief. And that’s what Biden is dangerously close to doing.
If it is somehow bigotry to point out countless thousands of examples of terrorist violence, torture, unspeakable acts of public beheadings and burning deaths, rape, genital mutilation, child abductions, ethnic cleansing and genocide, what is it when you make up out of whole cloth allegations of violence by another religious group?
That’s what Biden and Obama are doing.
Makes you wonder: Where are the anti-defamation groups for Christians – a faith community that is the victim of a silent holocaust in the Middle East? Not only are they the actual victims of this Islamist onslaught, but Obama and Biden are adding insult to injury by condemning Bible believers for acts of violence they are not committing – except, apparently, in the vivid imaginations of the president and vice president.
Obama had some other interesting observations at the three-day White House Islamic pandering summit.
“We all know there is no one profile of a violent extremist or terrorist,” said Obama. “There’s no way to predict who will become radicalized.”
Several thoughts came to my mind when I heard him utter these words:
- Really? There’s no one profile of a violent extremist or terrorist? There really seems to be right now. While every Muslim is not a terrorist, it certainly seems like every terrorist is a Muslim. What am I missing here? The president of Egypt sees this reality. He’s a Muslim. The king of Jordan sees this reality. He’s a Muslim. Why is Obama in denial about this reality?
- About predicting who will become radicalized, Obama speaks with some authority. The couple that launched his political career in their living room was Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn – two of the most notorious domestic terrorists of America’s recent past. Who would have predicted that a future American president could have been incubated in an environment of such profound left-wing radicalism?
Obama also repeated his astonishing denial that al-Qaida, ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups are not really Muslim.
“Leading up to this summit there’s been a fair amount of debate in the press and among pundits about the words we use to describe and frame this challenge,” Obama said. “So I want to be very clear about how I see it. Al-Qaida and ISIL and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders – holy warriors in defense of Islam. They are not religious leaders, they are terrorists.”
So, let me get this straight: Those responsible for the Crusades, the Inquisition and slavery were religious leaders, but the imams and clerics and Islamic scholars who inspire terrorist violence today are not religious leaders?
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].