NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Possible Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday rebutting the argument of feminists on the left that women in America are limited to second-class opportunities.
“Only in the United States can a woman go from secretary to CEO of the largest technological company in the world,” she said. “Each one of us can live a life of purpose and achievement, and work is essential to achieving that goal.”
Arguing for a viable female Republican presidential candidate in 2016, she noted that among voters, women are no longer the minority, comprising 53 percent of the electorate.
“If Hillary had to face me on a debate stage, at the very least she would have a hitch in her swing,” Fiorina said.
“In the era of big government, the big get bigger, the small disappear and the weak are trapped,” she said. “We must unlock the potential of every American.”
In the high point of her speech, Fiorina championed the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States to address Congress next week.
“Netanyahu is coming here to remind the American people that President Obama’s insistence upon reaching a deal with Iran at any cost is a danger to the world,” she said.
“This is not leadership, just like it’s not leadership when former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asks, ‘What difference does it make,’” she said.
“She tweets about the rights of women in this country, while the Clinton Foundation takes money from governments that are some of the worst abusers of women’s right’s in the world,” Fiorina argued.
Fiorina said leadership “is not a hash-tag to be posted on the Internet,” and she took Clinton to task for boasting of her prolific traveling as secretary of state.
“Like Hillary Clinton, I too have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe,” Fiorina said. “But unlike Hillary Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.”
To a standing ovation, she concluded: “Now is the time to declare without apology or equivocation that this is the greatest nation in the world. We are a force for good in the world.
“Now is the time to reaffirm that every American has the right to fulfill his or her potential,” she said. “Now is the time for leadership that unites us, not identity politics that divide us.”
Check out WND’s extensive coverage of the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference:
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Trump at CPAC: ‘Hillary was the 1st birther’
CPAC crowd chants: ‘President Paul!’
John Bolton: Hillary ‘unfit to command’
Rick Perry: America will survive Obama as it did Carter
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Rubio: Hillary ‘yesterday,’ Obama ‘failed’
Scott Walker ‘wants to make America great again’
Sarah Palin: Obama’s VA ‘killing our veterans’
Jindal pounds Common Core in CPAC speech
Cruz: Hillary ’embodies the corruption of Washington’
‘Next 20 months will be very dangerous’
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Christie: ‘I gave up the New York Times for Lent’
Conservatives warned against unprincipled, unproven candidates