Kinsey blamed for ’50 Shades’ ‘mommy porn’

By Bob Unruh


Researcher Judith Reisman, author of multiple books about sex activist Alfred Kinsey, including “The Kinsey Corruption,” “Kinsey: Crime & Consequences” and “Sexual Sabotage,” says America can blame the “father of the sexual revolution” for the current “Fifty Shades of Grey” mania.

The explicit sex movie, which set a record by collecting nearly $95 million from audiences over the Valentine’s Day weekend, is a direct result of the degradation of values that started with Kinsey’s claim that nearly every member of the “Greatest Generation” engaged in sexual hijinks, she said.

And it now is time, she told WND in an interview, for Congress to begin an investigation of Kinsey, his research methods, his results and his impact on the nation’s morality.

Reisman, Ph.D., is a consultant, scientific adviser to the California Protective Parents Association, former president of the Institute for Media Education and has consulted for four U.S. Department of Justice administrations. She also has worked with the U.S. Department of Education as well as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and has seen her work translated into many languages.

Her research focuses on Kinsey, whose books “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” in 1948, and “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,” in 1953, shocked the nation.

Reisman alleges Kinsey engaged in child sex assaults and used “research data” from child molesters to compile his information. Her works allege Kinsey’s claims emitted “erototoxic radioactivity” into subsequent generations.

“During World War II and the decades that followed, Kinsey and his Indiana cohorts sabotaged our nation by entering our libraries and schools as ‘sex educators’ – ridiculing marriage, fidelity and chastity,” she explained. “They preached widespread sexual experimentation, succeeded in nationwide fraud campaigns and gutted the tough laws that kept pornography and predators at bay.”

Regarding the movie “Fifty Shades,” she said other essentially pornographic movies have pushed the edge of acceptability, such as “Lolita,” but what is concerning now is the widespread acceptance of portrayals of sexual violence.

“Apparently if you’re naked it’s sadomasochism, if you’re not naked, it’s just violence,” she told WND.

She said in real life, sexual assaults on children are up, including assaults on infants. Activists constantly are trying to lower the age of consent, she said, and very often, a pedophile is “your next-door neighbor.”

“It’s bad news, very bad,” she said. “It’s gotten to be we have been so conditioned [to accept porn].”

The solution to what she called the “mommy porn” movement is something that’s beyond the realm of psychologists or psychiatrists. It would require a massive revival across the nation, with churches “behaving like churches,” and people returning to them.

Alfred Kinsey
Alfred Kinsey

But she also wants to see a congressional investigation.

“One of the main things would be for us have a congressional investigation of Kinsey, to see where people were so completely lied to, how this began,” she said.

There have been previous, unsuccessful attempts at such investigations, she said.

The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University is getting millions of tax dollars, she said, at minimum $21 million in recent years.

Noting audiences used to line up for family fare such as “The Sound of Music,” she said, the future of America appears to be dark.

“Fifty Shades of Grey,” she said, “is a perfectly good example of what you get when a nation has stopped using its brains, and it’s not connected spiritually.”

In a new video about her work, she speaks of how Chinese youth are in the middle of their own “sexual revolution,” and her books will soon be distributed in the communist nation.

See her interview:

[jwplayer IqycevG0]

She notes in the video that Kinsey said he interviewed 4,441 women, and not a single woman reported being harmed by rape.

It was Kinsey’s claims that children are sexual from birth that has caused the most difficulty for Reisman. She points out that Kinsey’s own research data claims that children as young as a few months old were sexual beings.

The obvious question, she said, is how could it not be considered sexual assault for a “researcher” to perform sexual acts on a child?

Society’s wide acceptance of Kinsey’s claims, she contends, has contributed to a degradation in morality, teaching sex in schools and the expansion of pornography,

Reisman’s work at one point triggered the suspension of a radio show in Croatia. WND reported when Karolina Vidovic-Kristo, a journalist, had her radio show in Croatia suspended early in 2013 after she publicized the findings documented by Reisman about Kinsey.

It also was about that time that Croatia’s high court stunned sex education experts by rejecting curriculum based on the work of Kinsey.

JudithONEKinsey’s two books, known as the “Kinsey Reports,” Reisman has explained, “was based on a nonrepresentative group of Americans – including hundreds of sex offenders, prostitutes, prison inmates and exhibitionists.”

The Croatian radio host noted there was an event at the Stone Gate in Croatia where an initiative called “Don’t Touch the Children!” was read in five languages. A letter with those details was dispatched “to the addresses of 193 presidents of the U.N. member states.”

“The letter contains the resolution as well as evidence material proving horrible, illegal and monstrous acts Kinsey and his co-workers did with children, on behalf of the so-called ‘scientific data,” the radio host explained.

“The resolution’s aim is raising the awareness of the world leaders about the criminal act of pedophilia on which the Kinsey Institute bases their view on children sexuality.”

British filmmaker Timothy Tate said he was astonished, as a journalist, when he learned how Kinsey’s research was done.

“It’s absolutely crystal clear in his own words, he was using pedophiles to sexually assault children,” he said.

He noted that even today, Kinsey’s claims are the basis for much of sex education around the world.

See Tate talk about Kinsey:

[jwplayer mk3VpSRp]

“Yet here was this appalling record of the sexual assault and I think in some cases you could call it torture of children masquerading as science,” Tate said.

He said Kinsey should be considered “complicit” in the assaults on children because of the ongoing relationship he had with the offenders.

Reisman has lectured at Princeton, Notre Dame, Georgetown, Pepperdine, Johns Hopkins, the FBI, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the University of Jerusalem, the University of Haifa and Tel Aviv University. She has been cited by the London Times, Time, Newsweek, the New York Times and the Washington Post. She has appeared on “Entertainment Tonight,” “Larry King Live,” “Donahue,” the”Today” show and “Crossfire.”

She’s been listed in “The World’s Who’s Who of Women.”

Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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