Letter to Michael Lerner

By WND Staff

February 23, 2015

Michael Lerner, Editor
Tikkum Magazine the Network of Spiritual Progressives
2342 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 1200
Berkeley, CA 94704

Re: No, Mr. Netanyahu! We Won’t Let You Drag the U.S. into War With Iran!

“Rabbi” Lerner:

I serve as founder and President of America’s Truth Forum – a non-partisan, fact-based 501(c)3 organization that was chartered to educate the American people on controversial topics – in particular, the radical Islamic threat to world peace and national security.

I was raised in a rural Northeastern community that was populated by a contingent of Jewish holocaust survivors. My paternal uncle proudly served our great nation during World War II with distinction. Colonel Eugene J. Epstein landed in Normandy with the Big Red One (1st Army, 315th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division), fought his way through the “Bulge” and finally into Germany. Along the way, he liberated a Nazi death camp that was placed under his command until the Jewish survivors were healthy enough for release. My great-uncle, along with his son, fought as Partisans in Belarus. They both committed suicide by clutching hand grenades to their chests after running out of ammo in a firefight with the Nazis. My maternal grandfather fled to America after witnessing pogroms near his home town of Bialystok.

Given my professional background and family history, I’m more than qualified to challenge your faulty reasoning and boring diatribe. However, I currently lack the time to waste on someone whom I perceive to be so intellectually challenged and morally bankrupt. There’s nothing unique about you. From the days of Jesus to the darkest era of the holocaust, evil individuals have risen in betrayal of their own People.

The First Amendment guarantees everyone’s right to express their opinion – even you. However, through your leftist activism, you have crossed the line by attempting to derail Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Congressionally sanctioned opportunity to address the American People. The majority of informed Americans view Israel as the “canary in our coalmine” and share his concerns over growing existential threats against the United States, Israel, thousands of Jews residing in the Diaspora and millions of innocent Christians in Muslim lands.

America is engaged in a war against an apocalyptic and genocidal ideology that’s hell-bent on destroying Western Civilization. Your seditious activities will be noted, for they’re compromising our national security and placing America’s children at great risk. Your name will forever be inscribed in the Book of Life as being on par with those World War II-era Judenrats who chose betrayal over honor.

טו אָן אַ חזיר אַ שטרײַמל, וועט ער ווערן רבֿ?


Jeffrey M. Epstein, President
America’s Truth Forum

(Translation: If you placed a Rabbi’s hat on a pig, would it make him a Rabbi?)

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