The bloodiest jihad group in modern history

By Olivier Melnick

It is with bewilderment, disgust and fear that our global community has become an audience to the bloody carnage inflicted by ISIS within the boundaries of their ever-growing “caliphate.”

On Feb. 17, they set 45 people on fire in Iraq, adding to the gruesome death toll of the last few months. It wasn’t long ago when they set a Jordanian pilot on fire inside a cage and filmed it as if the act was scripted and planned. They also beheaded Japanese and European people, amongst others, not to mention all the Christian beheadings like the recent 21 Copts in Libya. How far will they go, and can they ever be defeated?

Before attempting to answer such a question, we need to understand the ideology behind the bloodiest jihadist group in modern history. Unfortunately, almost every attempt made recently could be compared to studying a bird as if it were a fish. It just cannot yield useable results. ISIS truly is in a league of its own and should be handled as such. In a previous column, I explained that they are organized, wealthy and weaponized. In and of itself, this already places them outside of your run-of-the-mill terrorist groups like Taliban, al-Qaida or Boko Haram. Yet they are unique in several other ways.

A caliphate

ISIS’ name in Arabic is al-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah fī al-ʻIrāq wa-al-Shām, meaning the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (The Levant being another name for greater Syria). They have only been around for about 15 years, mostly as a branch of al-Qaida, but they even became too extreme for al-Qaida. This would be like Hitler rejecting a group of soldiers because he deemed them too brutal to join the Nazi Party!

So ISIS flew the coop, and after al-Qaida officially severed all ties, their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (in charge since 2010), declared that he was the new caliph and that as such, he was now ruling all Muslims within a newly formed global caliphate. To date, the introduction of a new caliphate has been far from welcome by various Muslim countries, so it creates a new dynamic not only for the West but within Islam as well.

All terror groups until ISIS were underground and decentralized. ISIS is territorial, and under an Islamic caliphate, it can only function as such. Thus it is in their interest to gain ground. As little as they might get and as slow as they might move, they must press on. ISIS will continue to move in the Middle East and spread from its epicenter like a bleeding wound on a piece of cloth as the world weakens.

Another aspect of a caliphate is the fact that the one who implemented it is seen by his followers as the unique ruler, or “caliph.” He purports to control all Muslims globally. Of course, there are millions of Muslims who want nothing to do with the Islamic State, but according to ISIS’ exegeses of the Quran, if they indeed call themselves Muslims, they must submit to the caliph and his ruling or die as infidels. This puts all Muslims who are not adhering to all of ISIS’ ideology at risk since denying the holiness and inspiration of the Quran as they [ISIS] view it is pure apostasy.

As anti-Semitic as they are, ISIS will not hesitate to decimate Hezbollah or Hamas, groups they do not consider in compliance with their views, before they even go after Israel. So apparently, jihadism is far from being monolithic, even though it always is borne out of a specific interpretation and application of the Quran. The point is that even though Israel and the West are constantly in the cross-hair, there are obvious disconnects between, let’s say, the Taliban, al-Qaida and ISIS.

An Islamic apocalyptic theology

In a recent very thorough piece on ISIS for The Atlantic, Graeme Wood wrote: “The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”

ISIS follows a very extreme form of Islam known as Salafism. (In Arabic al salaf al salih means the “pious forefathers.”) It promotes violence and bloodshed to establish and maintain quranic hegemony through a very strict adherence to the Quran and Shariah law. ISIS also adheres to an apocalyptic theology and believes that the Mhadi, or “guided one,” will soon arrive and redeem Islam. According to them, Islam has been dead for over 1,000 years and was just reborn in 2014 when the global caliphate was declared.

ISIS has boldly declared that Islam is not the religion of peace but the religion of the sword. They went to great length to explain what they meant in an article published in their magazine Dabiq. It really doesn’t matter what the rest of the world’s Muslim population believes; ISIS will continue to go for blood as long as they breathe because that is part of their apocalyptic “raison d’être.”

It is interesting that they include Jesus in their “end of the world” scenario as they see Him ultimately killing the Dajjal, or Antichrist, to bring in Islam as it always was intended. But until then, watch for the sword as it continues to swing through the infidels’ throats.

One the advantage of ISIS’ apocalyptic theology is that as bloody as it is, it is predictable. In the past, the Taliban, al-Qaida and even Hamas have been everything but predictable. If it were taken seriously, this could be to our advantage.

When does it end?

A recent poll showed that 73 percent of Americans believe that the Obama administration doesn’t have a clear strategy to defeat ISIS (up 9 percent from 2014). President Obama called ISIS the al-Qaida “Junior Varsity,” clearly showing that he is clueless about the terrorist group. ISIS is an Islamic terrorist organization, and it doesn’t matter if you believe that Islam is indeed the religion of peace – because THEY DON’T!

On Monday, Mary Harf, A State Department spokeswoman, proposed that we offer jobs to ISIS terrorists to pull them out of their misery and give them a sense of purpose. No wonder ISIS keeps humiliating the West and killing people. There is no solid leadership to take them out.

While our current president is struggling over semantics and a tactful approach, ISIS’ killing spree is growing exponentially. The days for a tactful approach are long gone (if there ever were such a time). It is time for a tactical approach, and I am far from convinced that the United States will lead the free world in that endeavor. Don’t get too close to Israel, though, because the IDF doesn’t just bark – they bite, too!

Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick is a Jewish believer in Jesus and full-time worker with Chosen People Ministries. He has written several books including “They Have Conspired Against You: How to Respond to the New Anti-Semitism” and “End-Times Anti-Semitism: The Latest Chapter in the Longest Hatred," and contributed chapters to several others. He also has published over 400 articles on the topic of anti-Semitism. Read more of Olivier Melnick's articles here.

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