“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
– Albert Einstein
In some ways, I actually have a degree of sympathy for Barack Obama, or whoever the man in the White House actually is. While you are gathering up the stones, I will explain those sympathies.
- The man is in so far over his head he has given up. All that matters to him now is his eventual escape from the fishbowl of the presidency and the perks and distractions of which he can avail himself between now and then.
- The man doesn’t have the education he claims to have. If he did, he would have written to the colleges and requested the public release of his educational activities. Why would you not be proud of those accomplishments?
- The man has found that the only skill he does have – community organizing – depended upon the structure provided by someone else while he polarized both sides and shook down the side with the money tree in its backyard.
- The man is unable to turn to his advisers for help, because he has installed men and women just as incompetent about what troubles the world as he is. The “yes” men and woman in the world know that when their current gig ends, there is always another sucker they can attach themselves to and bleed dry, during which time they are ever busy keeping an eye out for yet the next victim after that.
- Finally, his race prevents him from being criticized among members of the circles in which he moves.
Beyond that, my sympathy ends. He asked for the job – twice – and it was given him – twice. Now, the murder and mayhem surrounding his watch in the world and here at home is his fault. He bears ultimate responsibility. He could have mitigated the damage. He did not.
That being said, we come to the second part of Einstein’s opening quote. The Republicans now roosting comfortably in the Congress were sent there to deal a directional change in America’s domestic and international path. Now that they have settled comfortably into their committee chairmanships and new offices, their memory of the last election has faded, while their thoughts turn to the next.
These Republicans seem to have no concept whatsoever of 1) with whom they are dealing, and 2) that appeasement of evil results only in evil growing stronger. There comes a point at which evil rules, and we have arrived.
The solution to this is not rocket science. It is not even model rocket science. It is pretty darn simple. You have only two constitutional options.
- The first (and preferable) is impeachment. The common wisdom is that it won’t happen because of the Democrats. That is untrue. The Democratic leadership simply needs to be made aware they will pay a higher political price that extends into their personal life if they don’t impeach. Alternatively, I suppose John Boehner could pay a visit to Harry Reid in the Senate elevator and pick up the discussion where the exercise equipment left off.
- The second, the easier, but the more cowardly option, is simply to cut off the money. Start by shutting off the salaries for the army of executive advisers. Shut off the money. What do you think America sent your worthless party to Congress for? So you could steal us blind instead of the Democrats doing so? When there is a porta-potty set up in the Rose Garden, your message will have been received, and the occupant will be ready to talk turkey.
Here’s another easy yet largely symbolic item:
- Homeland Security? Shut it down. Tell the governors to mobilize National Guard troops to defend their borders, if necessary.
- What about the airlines? Tell them to hire their own screeners to pat down and feel up their frequent fliers, and add the price into the ticket.
Now that the Republicans have the majority, they need to keep in mind that the world isn’t growing more evil because of the Democrats. The world is growing more evil because the Republicans won’t do anything about it.
Will God allow the coming reign of evil to destroy the world? Does God have the ability to stop it?
Media wishing to interview Craige McMillan, please contact [email protected].