My apology to the free world

By Barbara Simpson

“I’m sorry, so sorry, Please accept my apologies.”

With a nod to Patsy Cline, I write this open letter of abject apology.

I direct this letter to every country that considered the United States an ally in the quest for freedom.

It goes to every person, anywhere, who believed the word of Americans that they would be there to protect and defend their freedom because we have done that in the past.

It goes to every American citizen who grew up knowing our history of liberty and our selflessness in putting life and blood on the line to defend and protect freedom for us, for our allies and for persecuted people.

It’s a letter to our friends and allies and even those who are on the fence – and yes, there are those.

I never thought I’d see the day that I’d have to express such thoughts, but times have changed.

While the United States is still here and Old Glory still flies, Lady Liberty is crying because she, and we, and you, and our allies everywhere have been deceived. And there seems to be no end to it.

A man was elected to the presidency with the stated intent to change this country. That is exactly what Barack Obama has done and is doing. In doing so, he has changed how we deal with our friends and enemies.

Too often the line between friends and enemies has been intentionally blurred. In many cases, Obama has attempted to befriend enemies and cause our friends to feel betrayed, and justifiably so.

I’ve argued with myself for months about whether I should even write this letter – yes, no, yes, no – but now, I don’t believe I have a choice. I must write what I believe has happened, is happening and will happen because of the regime that controls Washington.

Yes, Barack Hussein Obama was elected president of the United States, and his stated goal was to fundamentally transform this country. Americans, who supported him and took him at face value, interpreted that to mean he would improve the country and make things better for everyone.

Those who doubted him from the very beginning, who saw the arrogance and conceit that was so clear during his campaign, questioned just what Obama meant by that promise.

It didn’t take long to find out and as the days, weeks, months and, yes, years have passed, Obama’s political magic wand is doing the deed.

The United States is in the midst of that transformation, but the definition of that is not what a normal, average American expected.

Things are not better domestically. The economy is a wreck, unemployment is rampant regardless of your age, and the whole health-care situation is a shocking mess and getting more so as people learn what health insurance they don’t have.

Those who lived during the civil rights movement of the ’60s – and perhaps even those who remember what happened before that – expected that as time passed, friction between blacks and whites and among other minorities, would be soothed and would be over.

Wrong! Obama changed that. If anything, race relations have regressed, and the frictions are worse to the point that in many jurisdictions, police are constantly on guard for potential riots.

Look at Ferguson, Missouri. Regardless of the cause, the perceived police brutality was stirred up by activists, politicians and the media until it boiled into an all-out riot. It was an excuse to destroy, loot and burn by people out to have a good time who felt they were justified.

It’s what happened in Detroit and Newark and Watts and everywhere race riots scarred our history.

It’s all happening again, and the reality is that we have a man who is half-black in the presidency whose policies seem to be enabling this friction.

Barack Obama is not a peacemaker. If anything, he fans the flames by castigating the police, regardless of jurisdiction. He perpetuates the angst and, in his own way, permits and encourages people to get “the man,” making cops the targets.

I don’t know how police do what they do, knowing that the president, politicians and bureaucrats encourage the hatred of police and law and order while the media fan the flames with biased coverage and columnists and editorials perpetuate the “them vs. us” mentality. We’re back to “get whitey.”

And this is only what’s happening in this country. What we’re doing to our allies across the world is scandalous, a betrayal of our friends and a threat to world peace.

I said I was ashamed of my country because of the Obama administration, and the situation of how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was treated was the final straw.

Clearly, Obama has a history of dissing and insulting the man, but his reaction to the magnificent speech Netanyahu gave in Congress was shameful.

Obama didn’t want him to speak and didn’t listen and had no comments. Then he waited two days before calling to congratulate the prime minister when he won his election.

Obama doesn’t have to agree with everything Israel does, but he does have to be decent to an ally who is threatened with total destruction.

It all illustrates a core difference between the two. The prime minister loves his country, isn’t afraid to say so and to do what needs to be done to protect it.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Barack Obama. I can’t remember when Obama expresses love for this country, when he spoke out against our known enemies and acknowledged the danger we’re in and who and what is responsible.

When we have extraordinary threats against the free world by militant Islamists, it is more than concerning when the president reduces the military, reduces armaments and won’t name the enemy.

I want to express sincere apologies to any country or people across the world who consider the United States their ally and friend – people who believe they could trust the U.S. to keep a secret, to support treaties, to encourage freedom, to be a peacemaker yet lead the free world, to maintain the military strength to support freedom.

I apologize because since the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as president, all that has changed, and we are all at risk.

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Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her radio talk-show audience, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Read more of Barbara Simpson's articles here.

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