The case of Freddie Gray, the black man who died due to complications from a severe spinal injury after detention by police, has reached the ears of the Ayatollah of Iran, who’s taken to Twitter to talk about the case from a propaganda perspective.
The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, wrote: “Power & tyranny are different in some countries like US. police are seemingly powerful but they kill innocents. #FreddieGray #RekiaBoyd.”
He also wrote how “ridiculous” it was blacks are killed by police despite the fact President Obama is black: “They celebrate a day for abolition of slavery but such crimes are committed against the blacks,” he tweeted, Mediaite reported.
But that was just a drop in the bucket of his tweets.
Another: “Acquittal of US cops who committed murder is among measures taken by statesmen who ignore humanity & religion.”
And another: “They celebrate a day for abolition of slavery but such crimes are committed against the blacks. #EricGarner #Trayvon Martin #BlackLivesMatter.”
And finally, this one, making the case for the superiority of the Islam faith: “Power with cruelty isn’t favored by #Islam. #Police should emoby justice and mercy while being potent.”