Baltimore and Obama’s masterful manipulation

By Erik Rush

“This has been going on for a long time …”

– Barack Obama, April 28, 2015

None of us knows what occurred between 25-year-old Freddie Gray and police officers in Baltimore on April 12; what’s significant is that the rioters who subsequently laid waste to areas of Baltimore following Gray’s funeral on April 27 don’t know what occurred between Gray and Baltimore police, either.

This doesn’t matter, as I have detailed previously in this space. Black citizens have increasingly come to believe that when a black individual expires following contact with police, it is a racially motivated instance of murder, regardless of the circumstances.

That they have increasingly come to believe this since Barack Hussein Obama took office is by no means an accident, as the following paragraphs will illustrate.

At the beginning of rioting on April 27, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said he believed that agitators who showed up in numbers at an otherwise peaceful protest for Gray were not from Baltimore.

And of course they weren’t – no more than many of those in Ferguson, Missouri, following the Michael Brown shooting aftermath were from Ferguson, or Missouri for that matter.

Batts’ statement was quickly overshadowed by statements made by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who apparently is developmentally disabled. Rawlings-Blake spoke before a crowd on Saturday night after a lull in the first wave of rioting, thanking the Nation of Islam for “helping to quash violence” in downtown Baltimore that night.

Now, kids, it’s time to connect the dots …

Former Attorney General Eric Holder held sympathies that were demonstrably in the vein of black nationalism, in that he used his office to influence public opinion in the cases of the Michael Brown shooting and the trial of George Zimmerman, who stood accused of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012.

We are also aware that from the beginning of his tenure, Holder promoted institutional racial bias within the Department of Justice, as uncovered by whistleblower J. Christian Adams, a lawyer who served in the Voting Rights Section at DOJ. It is also painfully evident that militant black nationalists have correctly perceived a certain license toward expansion of their influence since Obama took office.

Perhaps part of the problem is that people do not understand the significance of Barack Hussein Obama having been a community organizer prior to becoming a state senator in Illinois.

Attorney Malik Shabazz (who until recently went by “Malik Zulu Shabazz”) is a committed Marxist and former member of the Nation of Islam. He is also the former national chairman of the New Black Panther Party, as well as founder and president of Black Lawyers For Justice. As an Illinois state senator, Barack Obama was politically allied with the New Black Panther Party, and it was Black Lawyers For Justice that sponsored the protest in memory of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.

A photo circulating online, taken in downtown Baltimore on April 25, features a group of around 20 young black knuckleheads posing for the camera. The faction consists of members of the Crips and Bloods gangs (who are supposed to be mortal enemies), as well as members of the Nation of Islam. Some of these are displaying the extended forefinger salute representing solidarity with – are you ready? – ISIS, the terror group, which wouldn’t exist in its current form if not for their chief benefactor, Barack Hussein Obama.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is community organizing.

Finally, on April 28, Fox news reported that an analysis of social media traffic had unearthed “striking connections” between the Baltimore protests and those in Ferguson, Missouri, last year, citing information provided by a leading data-mining firm.

As we view atrocity after atrocity committed against the Republic, courtesy of those who have either no understanding of justice or are deliberate in their “misunderstanding,” we have to come to grips with a sad reality: We are being played like suckers – we who follow the rules, raise our kids, respect the Rule of Law and love our country because of what it represents, not for what we can get from it. We have become losers in the day-to-day scuffle that is the fight over what the American Dream will be. We fund the very people who would see us dead, except for their need for us to keep paying for their lawlessness and attitudes of entitlement.

The common denominator, as we have seen illustrated above, in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore, in the White House and across America: Marxists and militant Muslims working together in a coordinated effort to precipitate circumstances that will eventually “necessitate” the imposition of martial law.

Each instance of alleged police brutality against blacks becomes an opportunity for the Obama cabal, a more instructive test case as to how they will ultimately widen the civil unrest to proportions unseen in America’s history. This senseless destruction on the pretext of institutional racism will be used to sweep the Constitution into the dustbin of history, and our liberty with it.

These are Obama’s enablers and surrogates; he has sold the birthright of America to those who have been taught to work the system and squeeze every ounce of sustenance they can from the fruits of others’ labor. He has taken lie after lie and made it the foundation of his empire of evil while sticking it to those who serve God and Country first.

The operatives in Baltimore are but one contingent of Obama’s Revolutionary Army; illegal immigration and amnesty activists are another, as are various other entitled and protected class groups the political left has cultivated over many years. Effective manipulation of these demographics will be integral in determining whether or not he can successfully turn us all against one another at the appointed time.

Media wishing to interview Erik Rush, please contact [email protected].

Erik Rush

Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare. His latest book is "Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal - America's Racial Obsession." In 2007, he was the first to give national attention to the story of Sen. Barack Obama's ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright, initiating a media feeding frenzy. Erik has appeared on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes," CNN, and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances. Read more of Erik Rush's articles here.

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