Bigots, haters have no place in society today

By Around the Web


By Nicky Smith

I love the high school I went to, and I’m dumbfounded that it would proudly promote this feature in Wednesday’s Washington Post. Friends School of Baltimore should be ashamed of any association with Ryan T. Anderson, an alumnus who is considered the “conservative movement’s fresh-faced, millennial, Ivy League-educated spokesman against same-sex marriage.” A hundred years ago he’d be riding horses in white robes, but in 2015, if you’re telegenic and an enthusiastic debater, you can promote intolerance on morning talk shows and get puff pieces written about you in major newspapers.

What a clown. After a torrent of criticism from students and alumni, Friends removed its link to the article, and Head of School Matt Micciche issued an apology that has also been removed. Right on cue, Erick Erickson at Red State decried the imaginary “Intolerant Left,” who “did not want to confront not an opposing argument [sic], but even the mention of someone who makes the opposing argument.” Would you even give the time of day to a member of the Westboro Baptist Church? Ryan T. Anderson is nothing more than the TV-friendly version of the same thing: a “devout Catholic” stuck in the Stone Age and hung up on gay marriage because it challenges the integrity of his belief system. Believe in what you will, but there is nothing “civil” about standing in the way of love. Your God means nothing to me and has no place in any court in this country. Denigrating other people for their sexuality is hate speech, and same-sex marriage has absolutely zero impact on bigots who hide behind religion who would be better served seeing psychiatrists than attending Sunday Mass.

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