Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton has come under watchful social-media eyes, with reports indicating a good portion of her Facebook fans hail from Baghdad and a large percentage of her Twitter followers are phony.
The Daily Mail reported of Clinton’s touted 3.6 million Twitter followers, fully 15 percent, or 544,000, are fake.
That finding comes from, one of the world’s oldest and most respected Twitter auditing tools, which determined: 44 percent of Clinton’s followers are “good,” 15 percent are “fake,” and 41 percent are “inactive.”
Talk-radio giant Rush Limbaugh took notice of Clinton’s bogus followers on Twitter.
“Twitter is this society’s gutter. It is this society’s sewer where the trolls and the dregs and the human debris of our culture go and lurk in anonymity,” Limbaugh said on his top-rated program Tuesday. “A good percentage of them are political activists on the left who don’t have the guts to show up in public and put their real names to anything. And now they’re working for Hillary.”
Limbaugh also noted the report came from a British newspaper, the Daily Mail, complaining, “None of this is in the American media. They will bury it. They won’t cover it. They’ll ignore it.”
And the Twitter issue is not Clinton’s only social-media headache.
Joe Miller’s blog, Restoring Liberty, reported “at least 7 percent of Clinton’s Facebook fans list their hometown as Baghdad, way more than any other city in the world, including in the United States.”
Vocativ performed the analysis of her page, showcasing how Clinton might press the image of a politician of all-people, and in particular, a friend of the liberal elite, the numbers show differently. In fact, she’s more favored in Texas than in liberal enclaves in California and Massachusetts, at lease in terms of Facebook love.
“Iraqis and southerners are more likely to be a Facebook fan of Hillary than people living on America’s coasts,” Vocativ found. “And the Democratic candidate for president has one of her largest followings in the great red state of Texas.”
Vocativ also reported roughly 4 percent of Clinton’s Facebook fans hail from Chicago and New York City – but “Texas’ four major centers” of Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio “contain more of her Facebook supporters” when taken together.
Only 8 percent of females and 11 percent of males between the ages of 18 and 34 – the age range generally regarded as the most tech-savvy – follow Clinton of Facebook. Most are older, age 55 or higher, Vocativ found.
The exception is in Baghdad.
“[There], Clinton enjoys the support of younger Facebook fans with 66 percent of her Iraqi female fans and 67 percent of males aged between 18 and 34,” the site found.
The social media aspect of Clinton’s presidential campaign is crucial.
The Washington Examiner just reported her campaign is expecting to spend historic amounts to send her to the nation’s highest seat, predicting a total tally around $2.5 billion – nearly $38 per vote.
Additional reporting by Joe Kovacs