I’ve never been a big fan of Sigmund Freud.
But he may have come up with something useful – what he called a “parapraxis.”
It’s an error one commits in speech or memory or even a physical action that occurs due to the interference of the subconscious mind. It can manifest itself in a “slip of the tongue” or even in written form. When this phenomenon occurs, it is commonly called a “Freudian slip.”
Is this what we witnessed Saturday during Hillary Clinton’s carefully staged presidential campaign announcement in which her press office crafted and released publicly the following statement?
“From her mother’s own childhood – in which she was abandoned by her parents – to her work going door-to-door for the Children’s Defense Fund to her battling to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, she’s fought children and families all her career.”
From my point of view, this might be the most truthful statement that has ever been issued by Hillary or a member of her staff.
In her conscious mind, she claims to be a fighter for the best interests of children and women. But, if this indeed represents a “parapraxis,” as Freud called it, it’s an admission that she has fought children and families all her career.
Is this too far-fetched?
I suggest stranger things have happened in politics and public affairs.
I believe Hillary is a deeply tormented and disturbed human being.
I don’t believe for one minute that she is truly compassionate toward other women or truly loves children, perhaps other than her own daughter or grandchild.
In fact, there’s a track record demonstrating the opposite. Just ask Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick and Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones and dozens of other victims of her husband’s serial misogynistic and sexually predatory behavior. Hillary wasn’t an innocent bystander. She was an active enabler, an apologist, a cover-up artist, part of the retaliatory team, a key member of the intimidation machine that made it all possible, the co-dependent collaborator in systematic abuse and harassment of women who had become inconvenient obstacles to her own empowerment.
That’s a fact about which every single female victim of Bill Clinton agrees. There are countless examples provided in many of the books by and about those victims – from “Target” by Kathleen Willey to “Their Lives” by Candace Jackson.
One of the best examples, however, was provided by Broaddrick, who made a credible accusation of rape against Bill Clinton, one vetted carefully by NBC News, which corroborated everything about her story that could be verified. What role did Hillary play in her shocking victimization?
Two weeks after the violent sexual attack, Broaddrick recalls Hillary coming up to her and saying: “I just want you to know how much that Bill and I appreciate what you do for him. Do you understand? Everything that you do.”
Broaddrick was stunned – caught off-guard. It was a public event. She described Hillary clutching her hand in both of her own – and not letting go as she looked right into her eyes and emphasizing the words “Do you understand? Everything you do.”
Broaddrick added, “Cold chills went up my spine. That’s the first time I became afraid of that woman.”
Yes, indeed, Hillary has always given lip service to the idea of “fighting for women,” but that’s only in the generic, class-warfare rhetorical sense of the phrase. When it comes to concern for individual women and their victimization, she’s a monster, a predator, a serial victimizer herself.
Likewise it’s only in the world of rhetorical overkill that Hillary is a guardian of children.
She certainly doesn’t believe unborn children have a right even to life itself. She is a defender of the most barbaric abortion practices, including late-term infanticide for any or no reason whatsoever, with no guidelines or proscriptions against butchery and savagery of the worst imaginable kind – stuff the average American could only imagine being perpetrated by ISIS, not “doctors.”
And it’s never been individual children that Hillary has fought for. Children to Hillary have always been a special-interest group for which she could speak without contradiction because kids don’t have a public voice with which to contradict her or tell her to shut up. She has claimed them and their interests as her own. They have become her unwilling clients, her constituency much like trees are the silent constituency of the Sierra Club.
In fact, Hillary, with her lifelong attacks on the institutions of family and marriage has, indeed, as her campaign inadvertently announced publicly Saturday, “fought children and families all her career.”
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].