Journalistic malpractice

By WND Staff

Whats wrong with this picture? The Duke University rape by the lacrosse team members that didn’t occur, the Trayvon Martin cold-blooded murder that wasn’t, the Michael Brown police execution with his hands up that never was, and now the Freddie Gray police abuse that may have been self inflicted.

All have in common a rush to judgment by our mainstream media “journalists,” an excuse for rioting and destruction and stealing by the black “community” so outraged by the police behavior of doing their jobs, followed by in some cases gutless and incompetent politicians not doing their jobs and instead throwing the police under the Obama bus (surprised there is still any room left there) – and then usual crowded field of black “leaders” and “spokesmen” and other wannabe experts elbow their way into position in front of the cameras to so eloquently profess victimhood and intellectualize about something no one has sufficient facts about.


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