I doubt that President Obama is a Christian; he is a Muslim. That is his right. Why the president choses to lie is his cross to bear. The president is a proven prevaricator. Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels, so the president is upholding a tenant of his belief system.
Now for the good news: America has evolved with regard to tolerance to “alien” belief systems.
Who can forget the fear that John Kennedy a Catholic, if elected president, would bring the pope into the White House? Jack was too busy bringing babes into the White House swimming pool. A pope would be an upgrade from the Rev. Al Sharpton. Candidate Richard Nixon raised the specter of a papal presidency. Even men such as the Rev. Billy Graham feared “the Catholic.” Rev. Graham raised such fears in Switzerland, but Rev. Norman Vincent Peale took the hit for Billy.
I have the utmost respect for Rev. Graham. His son, Franklin Graham, is a voice in the wilderness speaking up for Christians. We are all human and make misjudgments. Trusting President Obama is walking on thin ice, big time. The American people put their trust in a deceiver.
In the game of life, we are all forced to deviate from the truth on occasion, usually a sin of omission. When one starts to believe his own lies, that is a fatal flaw to one’s character. President Obama, and those who do his bidding, function like Muslims lying to infidels. The American people are infidels in their eyes.
Fundamental change goes well beyond immigrations issues and race politics. The change is the negation of conventional (fundamental) morality. This has been attempted in times past: Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and now Obama.
The candidates lining up for a run in 2016 are swimming in a sea of lies. SOS!
Edmond Day