I believe Dr. Dobson has it 100 percent right [“James Dobson: Christians soon to be ‘hated minority'”]. If the Supreme court redefines marriage, will freedom of religion be allowed to be practiced anywhere in the marketplace? How will it affect your church practices or how you speak or act in your own home?
How did we get here? Was it real life leading Hollywood or Hollywood redefining life? Did the creep of pornography into television prime time and then into all 24 hours change the moral views of a generation?
Should we have continued censoring morally rotten adult material? Was opening Pandora’s pornography collection and displaying it to the children our undoing?
Now, in Christian charity, protect your own family from the culture; redeem the culture one moment at a time, one life at a time. Christian faith has a history of changing corrupt cultures, but if we fail, at least it was foretold that perilous times shall come.