Possibly America’s 1st ‘first gentleman’

By Les Kinsolving

That headlined word “possibly” is essential – due both to Hillary’s currently diminishing presidential poll results, as well as the historic factor of political parties’ residence in the White House, which changes periodically.

But if Hillary is able to win the election in which she declared herself a candidate on Sunday, what duties will she assign to “the first gentleman”?

Or won’t his new status in such an election mean a brand new and very big resumption of the multi-million dollar lecture circuit?

Presumably, both his increased age as well as the frightful notoriety of his Oval Office adultery with Monica Lewinsky (among reportedly several other women) have now left Bill Clinton to some degree in adultery avoidance.

Such a very possible development in the life of this one-time sexual athlete, known to carnal infamy as “Slick Willie,” may be actually aided by the publication of a new book, entitled: “The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House.”

This new book is published by Harper, one of America’s most prestigious. It was written by a former White House reporter for Bloomberg, Kate Anderson Brower.

This book contains a number of national eye-openers such as the following:

  • “There was blood all over the president and first lady’s bed.”
  • “A member of the resident staff got a frantic call from the maid, who found the mess. Someone needed to come quickly and inspect the damage.”
  • “The blood was Bill Clinton’s. The president had to get several stitches to his head.””Stories circulated after the 1998 fight in the White House that Mrs. Clinton had brained her husband with a lamp, in a fury over the revelation of his sexual affair with Ms. Lewinsky, a White House intern.”

But, this book reports, White House staffers surmised that Mrs. Clinton hit her husband with one of the dozens of books that she kept on her bedside table.

Considering the Bill Clinton affair with Lewinsky, it would seem both justified and more realistic that Hillary brained Bill with a lamp rather than with books.

The book also notes that former President Clinton “insisted that he’d hurt himself running into the bathroom door in the middle of the night. But not everyone was convinced.”

That is surely understandable.

The spokesman for Mrs. Clinton did not respond to a request for comment – at the very time she begins campaigning for our nation’s highest office and the report of her braining Bill was being reported worldwide.

“The Residence” also reports:

“He was coming up the service elevator … as the Clintons argued viciously with each other. … He heard the first lady bellow:

“‘G– d–- bastard!’ at the president.

“Then someone threw a heavy object across the room. The rumor among the staff was that she threw a lamp. The butlers … were told to clean up the mess.”

Author Brower also reports:

“For three or four months in 1998, the president slept on a sofa in a private room attached to their bedroom on the second floor. Most of the women on the resident staff thought he got what he deserved.”

So does the Seventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Media wishing to interview Les Kinsolving, please contact [email protected].

Les Kinsolving

Les Kinsolving hosts a daily talk show for WCBM in Baltimore. His radio commentaries are syndicated nationally. His show can be heard on the Internet 9-11 p.m. Eastern each weekday. Before going into broadcasting, Kinsolving was a newspaper reporter and columnist – twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his commentary. Kinsolving's maverick reporting style is chronicled in a book written by his daughter, Kathleen Kinsolving, titled, "Gadfly." Read more of Les Kinsolving's articles here.

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