Michael Savage
“I want to talk about police brutality in reverse,” Michael Savage said on his show this week.
“Yesterday in New York City, a group of communist vermin rioted on the Brooklyn Bridge. They attacked the police.”
Savage warned that Hitler used communist street violence just like this – and his promise to end it – to grab power in Germany. He added that Obama was doing “exactly the same thing in America (Free audio).”
As for the GOP, “Today Chris Christie gave us a wake-up call as to just how foul the Republican brand has become,” Savage told his audience.
He condemned Christie’s Social Security reform proposal, which would reduce the benefits to those earning over $80,000 a year, and cut off payments completely to those making over $200,000.
“It’s right out of the Soviet playbook,” Savage said. “‘From each according to his means, to each according to their needs.’ That’s the Marxist rhetoric of Hillary Clinton, Obama and the pope. Now Christie is moving to the left of De Blasio (Free audio).”
Rush Limbaugh
Marc Rubio is “a serious man with a powerful message,” Limbaugh told his listeners after Rubio announced his entry into the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
“I wonder if with his speech last night he was able to bring back any of the Tea Party voters that had abandoned him,” the radio host mused, adding that Rubio is “an emotional speaker. In fact, at some point last night, a couple of points it looked to me like he almost might tear up (Free audio).”
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s insistence that his severe facial injuries, including blindness in one eye, were caused by a broken band on an exercise machine doesn’t add up, declared talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday.
“Bottom line is, I might now know who did it. And I wasn’t even gonna bring this up,” he said.
Limbaugh went on to relate allegations, also reported at the Powerline blog, that the injuries were produced by Reid’s brother, Harry. (Free audio)
Aaron Klein
Klein’s show kicked off while Hillary Clinton was announcing her candidacy, so the radio host told his audience what they could expect during her campaign, including which controversies were sure to crop up.
Kathleen Willey – who claims former President Bill Clinton sexually harassed her, and the Clinton camp tried to silence intimidate her into silence – came on and told Klein that she expects Hillary’s campaign will produce a “scandal a day.”
Other topics included Obama’s outreach to Cuba, some shocking Obama audio, and a segment about a largely-unknown likely presidential contender who once taxed the rain!
Listen on radio (AM 970 The Answer in NY; NewsTalk 990 AM in Philly) or online at connectpal.com/aaronklein
Mark Levin
Marc Rubio “comes across as a very decent guy,” Levin said after the Florida senator entered the presidential race. “And I felt that way about Rand Paul, I felt that way about Ted Cruz.”
Levin added, “These guys are under attack, the three I just mentioned, and others … because they’re going to challenge the Republican establishment, they’re going to challenge the RINOs (Free audio).”
Mark Levin accused the Senate of “treachery” for neglecting their constitutional duty to approve or disapprove treaties, in the case of Obama’s agreement with Iran. Free audio
Laura Ingraham
Chris Christie came on Ingraham’s show to claim that he is the only potential presidential contender talking about the touchy issue of “entitlement reform.”
His proposal to means-test Social Security received plenty of attention this week. “The fact is: We need to be talking that,” Christie told her. “The way you win elections is to be the more credible, appealing candidate that talks about issues in straight and direct ways. No matter who the leading candidate is, it’s going to be about our competing visions for the future (Free audio).”
Ingraham’s other guests this week included Carly Fiorina, who called Jeb Bush “dead wrong on Common Core and immigration reform;” Charles Krauthammer, who said “the thought of a new reformed Hillary is a joke;” and Joe Guzzardi, who explained how foreign workers flooding the labor market depress wages for Americans. (Free audio)
Glenn Beck
After Marc Rubio entered the presidential race, Beck wasted no time bashing his proposed tax plan.
“Let’s just vote for Barack Obama again,” Beck said. The plan, he added, was “bizarre” and an “absolute jobs killer.”
Beck’s co-host Stu Burguiere noted that the plan includes tax credits for children, but Beck shot back: “I don’t care if I have ten children or no children! I want my money. Why is the government involved in my procreation and my marriage? (Free audio)”
Later in the week, Beck warned that “history is repeating itself” and evil is “sweeping the globe again.”
He explained that radical Islamists have adopted many of their attitudes and beliefs from Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Americans have a duty to fight this new enemy.
“With freedom comes responsibility,” Beck said. “Not to speak is to speak. Silence in the face of evil is evil. … God will not hold us guiltless for our actions (Free audio).”