The immediacy of social media, particularly Twitter and Facebook, offers us a window into the prejudices of others that is unprecedented in the history of our society. Not a day passes in the United States when some person does not commit career suicide, achieve viral fame, or both by posting to Twitter or Facebook. A hundred and forty characters or less can make a hero or freshly mint a villain. All it takes is an ill-chosen word or, perhaps more accurately, a moment of honesty.
We are all creatures of prejudice to one degree or another; we all harbor likes, dislikes and biases. Most of us understand which of our opinions can and should be voiced publicly and which can’t and shouldn’t – but occasionally, our keyboards and our smartphones get the better of us. When they do, a few of us reveal the darkest hatreds we’ve been concealing. In some cases, these extend so far as murder.
Newsreader Brooke Baldwin, who regularly stares at a teleprompter for CNN, had an unfortunate moment of honesty recently. She blamed military veterans for the recent rioting in Baltimore, perpetuating the Rambo myth of the crazed combat vet who returns home spoiling to do battle with someone. Quite understandably, these absurd comments brought an avalanche of negative publicity down on Baldwin’s head. She at first tried to deflect blame by claiming that she was merely “repeating a concern” that was “vocalized” to her by someone else. When that didn’t work, she started offering apologies on her Twitter account, while self-servingly claiming that she has always been a “friend” to veterans and veterans’ issues. She went on to say that her “veteran friends” should tune in for a “heartfelt” on-air mea-culpa.
This is a potentially career-ending mistake. While Brian Williams is probably even now claiming to be taking RPG fire over Baltimore, using those who serve in our military as scapegoats for leftist blame-gaming on urban violence is shameful and disgusting. Still, while Baldwin’s mistake is a great example of the kind of fool you may instantly make of yourself online, it pales in comparison to anything involving sex and race directly. By this I mean that the forces of political correctness, the libs who are forever wringing their hands over “dog whistles” and “code words” and “micro-aggressions,” are desperate to label any and all benign words and deeds as racist, sexist, and hateful. In so doing, they can effectively marginalize all those whom they hate so dearly.
In modern society, to be a racist is to be subhuman, a monster against whom all insult and aggression is entirely justified. Liberals have a long history of targeting their ideological opponents for such dehumanization. When they succeed, they begin demanding that anyone who does not conform to their political correct standards be ostracized, be ruined, be fired and be killed.
Yes, that’s right: Liberals want to murder conservatives and libertarians. It’s time to say it plainly, though this has been stated both directly and indirectly before (and in this column). You need not look far for examples. Periodically, some liberal will slip and voice his desire to murder his opponents outright. Harry Reid was very proud of the lies he told concerning Mitt Romney and Romney’s taxes, gleefully refusing to show “repentance” when pressed on the issue in an interview. It’s not much of a leap between Reid’s world and the world of a fringe lunatic like Mike Dickinson. Reid, supposedly a Mormon, believes it’s OK to lie about Republicans as long as this prevents them from winning elections. Dickinson, Reid’s fellow Democrat (and the man who tried to win Eric Cantor’s House seat) spews a constant stream of invective on his Twitter feed. Dickinson recently said he wished the 5 million members of the NRA would be infected with Ebola and die. One imagines Harry Reid has no problem with that, either. It would prevent them from winning more elections, after all.
Even more explicit, if you can imagine it, was the wish of liberal Democrat Sara Noble. Noble is a feminist who throws around terms like “cis-gendered” and “cis-het” (terms for heterosexuals who identify as the sex with which they were born – in other words, normal people). She recently said on Twitter that she wanted to kill all men, in exactly those words. At the very least, she’d like to see heterosexual men killed; it’s possible she would make an exception for gay men who are effeminate enough to suit her standards.
Need a less political example of lib prejudice? Adam Rogers, reviewing the new film “Tomorrowland” for Wired, went so far as to decry the inclusion of white men in science fiction. “Put aside for a moment that everyone in charge of this vision was basically a hyperrational white dude,” he sneers, “which introduced all sorts of exclusionary problems. … [T]ransnational corporations built ‘conveniences’ for everyone like televisions, telephones, robots, and interstate highways, and then kept finding new ways to market them to a diminishing middle class. The problem with world’s fairs isn’t that the vision of the future they sold didn’t come true; the problem is that it did.”
There simply isn’t space in this column to chronicle the endless list of libs wishing death and harm on their ideological opponents. Examples are plentiful – and egregious enough that we may stipulate as fact that liberals want to kill you for disagreeing with them. The left does not believe in diversity of opinion, which is why speech codes and politically correct mandates forever seek to silence dissent and establish thought-crime. The left does not believe in equal time, which is why a single television network not in thrall to left-wing ideologues is reviled as a font of right-wing propaganda. The left does not want a future in which both conservatives and whites share space with liberals and people of color, which is why they now express their outrage that white conservatives and white libertarians dare even to exist.
The liberals hate you. They want you to die. Any lip-service paid to the contrary is just that.
Media wishing to interview Phil Elmore, please contact [email protected].