Congress is getting ready to outsource itself.
Outsourcing has long been a dire threat to Americans who work for a living outside the Beltway. It hit blue-collar workers when companies took plants in Baltimore and moved them to Bangladesh. Countless thousands of white-collar Americans were kicked to the curb when tech companies brought in “temporary workers” from overseas.
Congress helped the process along with so-called free trade deals that are good for corporate campaign donors even as American workers “take it in the backside,” as Mike Huckabee so eloquently put it.
Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and Congress is next in line for outsourcing. Like the tech worker forced to train his cheaper foreign-born replacement, Congress is preparing to outsource itself.
The instrument Congress will use to destroy itself is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping regulatory agreement involving 12 countries on three continents. It is, as Sen. Jeff Sessions correctly describes, one of the largest international compacts in the history of the United States. Its rules impact immigration, energy, environment, property rights and states rights.
But that’s not all.
The U.S. trade representative, the man responsible for negotiating this deal when he’s not lying to the rest of us about it, says the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact is “a living agreement.”
That means the details of the pact could be updated “as appropriate to address trade issues that emerge in the future as well as new issues that arise with the expansion of the agreement to include new countries,” according to the administration.
Let that sink in for a moment: After Congress ratifies this sweeping pact that will allow the president to “write the rules for the world’s economy” – Obama’s words – the president could revise those rules in the future – without congressional approval.
Wait – there’s more.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement allows other nations to join at any point in the future – without congressional approval.
Sessions warns, “The ‘living agreement’ provision means that participating nations could add countries to the TPP without Congress’ approval (like China) and change any of the terms of the agreement, including in controversial areas such as the entry of foreign workers and foreign employees. Again: These changes would not be subject to congressional approval.”
Instead of Congress, a supranational creature known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission, spawned by the agreement Congress is ready to rubber stamp, would determine the membership and ever-changing details of this sweeping international agreement forevermore. Immigration, energy, environmental policy – all would be outsourced to an international body beyond the reach of our elected representatives.
Having surrendered its power over treaties and a wide swath of domestic laws, Congress will have the role of eunuch in the temple of globalism.
Congress must carefully scrutinize an agreement of such magnitude as the Constitution prescribes. Instead, GOP leaders are collaborating with President Obama to give him fast track “trade promotion authority” and strip Congress of its ability to amend the pact Obama has written. Sen. Sessions, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina all say it is madness to give Obama such power.
The Senate is set to vote on fast track trade promotion authority next week.
Nothing less than the future of our constitutional government hangs in the balance.
Contact Congress and tell them to vote no on fast track trade promotion authority.