(Raw Story) Representative David Brat (R-VA) warned a Washington Times reporter that Texas is under threat from an armed insurgency. And Brat isn’t even talking about “the invasion by federal troops under the auspices of President Obama and Operation Jade Helm,” the Houston Chronicle Reports. Brat says Islamic State jihadists have a base in Texas.
During a taping of conservative media personality Rusty Humphries’ radio show, Brat told the host — beyond the Obama-imposed institution of martial law in the American southwest — he’s worried about ISIS, a Syria-based militia several tens-of-thousands of people strong. In contrast, the U.S. military has approximately 1.4 million people currently serving in active duty positions around the world. And then there are defense contractors.
“In our country it looks like we have an ISIS center in Texas now, that’s been reported last week,” Brat alleges to Humphries in audio reported by Right Wing Watch. “You can’t make up what a terrible problem this is.”