Help save marriage in Ireland

By WND Staff

Dear Mr Farah:

I’m writing from Ireland, and I wish to highlight to you and your readers the situation we’re in here at the moment with the upcoming Same Sex Marriage Referendum in the Republic of Ireland, which is being held on the 22nd of May, 2015, to change the Irish Constitution to redefine the institution of marriage.

It’s very much a one-sided affair in that every major political party is calling for a yes vote, along with the big trade unions, the gardai (police) and pretty much every famous person along with the mainstream media, which is biased and giving less coverage of the No side.

As a result of this, there must be 10 times more Yes posters up than No posters where I am, and this problem is being worsened by people ripping down No posters – which is undemocratic and an attack on free speech. There is a video on YouTube of these people boasting about this accomplishment.

As I am a Christian, I was out myself putting up No posters in my own town, and we received a very negative reception, people shouting various vulgar things at us.

No country has ever legalized same-sex marriage by popular vote; it has always been done by the government. I fear that Ireland, which was once known as the land of saints and scholars, could suffer terrible judgment from God if this referendum passes by the will of the people – so I would ask you and your readers to pray for Ireland over the next 11 days and to give this story coverage on your website as we do not have any outlet in the mainstream media here or even an alternative media in Ireland that holds to conservative values.

There is also a video on YouTube called “Mandate for Marriage Ireland.” If people could look that up and like that video and leave some positive feedback that would be great as more Irish people might see it.

God bless you all.

David Walsh

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