In the world, not of it

By WND Staff

I don’t like to be contrary, but if you read Luke Chapter 17 Verses 26-32, Jesus tells us what it will be like when Jesus returns, in the days of Noah (Read Genesis Chapter 6) and in the days of Lot (Read Genesis Chapter 19). Then after you read those, read Ezekiel Chapter 7 in Verse 2; instead of Israel put United States of America in Verse 19. Notice what happens to the gold. The government will come in and seize it, like it did in the 1930s. Then in Verse 24, see what kind of heathen will come in. They are already here, just waiting for the right time.

Obama is just a pawn in the whole scheme of things (Proverbs 16:4, Daniel 4:34-37, Revelation 4:11). We will not see America like it was when we were children. Back in the 1960s is when the real change began: The hippies, beatniks, flower-power children, and free love came with the marijuana. The Cheech & Chong attitude came. That wasn’t mind numbing enough, so they started using stronger drugs.

When Sept. 11 took place, the Lord told my wife that judgement had already started on America and no one would stay his hand. America has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. We who call ourselves Christians should be washed in the blood of Jesus and remember that we are Christ’s ambassadors, representing a heavenly kingdom. We must remember that we are in this world but not of it. Jesus did not try to change the Roman government. He told the men who came to arrest Him, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight …”

We forget that we are in this world but not supposed to be of it. Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” Jesus also told us to watch and pray always that we may be worthy to escape these things coming upon the world.

I do appreciate what you are trying to do, but be sure to pray and ask God the Father to see this as He sees it. Be blessed of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Rev. James Ozbun

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