ISIS in fierce fighting at Baiji oil refinery

By Cheryl Chumley

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A video with an unknown time stamp – but nonetheless shocking – shows ISIS terrorists engaged in fierce fighting with Iraqi Security Forces at the Baiji oil refinery.

Some of the scenes in the video were previously recorded, but others haven’t been seen and are assumed to be new, Long War Journal reported.

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In several scenes, ISIS terrorists can be seen using mortars, rockets and grenades against the Iraqis. And in another graphic scene, the video shows Iraqi fighter jets above while ISIS fighters launch anti-aircraft attacks against them.

The video later hones in on two suicide bombers, and a drone controlled by ISIS marking and recording their progress.

ISIS currently controls Baiji. Iraqi fighters were able to wrest control of the city for a brief period in December, but lost it when terrorists launched a massive campaign just a few days later.


Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl K. Chumley is a journalist, columnist, public speaker and author of "The Devil in DC." and "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." She is also a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. Read more of Cheryl Chumley's articles here.

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