Each year, Proclaiming Justice To The Nations, or PJTN, hosts broadcast professionals from all around the world at the annual International Christian Prayer and Action Event for Israel at the National Religious Broadcasters, or NRB, convention.
This program includes the short film presentation that was screened at the Prayer Event. The film is a fast-paced look at PJTN’s ministry, work and history. PJTN is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating Christians about their biblical responsibility to stand with and for the Jewish people and Israel. Since 2006, PJTN has become one of the most powerful Christian voices for Israel in the media.
The program featured an informative panel discussion with industry leaders and experts on the subject of terrorism and peace in the Middle East. The panel included Itamar Marcus, president of the Israel-based Palestinian Media Watch; Michael Little, CEO of CBN; and Joseph Farah, editor-in-chief of the conservative news website WND.com.
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Host Laurie Cardoza-Moore began the discussion expressing concerns about the growing number of Christians that are more sympathetic to the cause of the Palestinians and accuse Israel of occupying Palestinian land. “We have a hard time understanding the dichotomy of this mindset,” stated Cardoza-Moore.
Highlighting specific videos from Arab speakers as evidence, Itamar Marcus said he believes the reason for this view is due to so much misinformation and a lack of information as to what is really happening in Israel. “The Palestinian Authority boasts that it is the protector of both Muslims and Christians,” Marcus said, “but in practice, the Palestinian Authority speaks in two different languages, an English language for foreign consumption and an Arab language for internal consumption with no resemblance between each.”
Another video screened includes an iman in Gaza who declares that the jihad to conquer the West is good as it will “save humanity from the fire of hell, of which they are on the brink.” Itamar states that this is a core belief shared by possibly hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world. They believe this subjugation of Christians, Jews and all infidels is their mission to save humanity from the gates of hell. Itamar emphatically states that this “is something that must not be ignored.”
This edition of Focus On Israel is one that must be watched by every “infidel.”
[jwplayer X1chltAP]