Passive Congress, communist ‘president,’ activist Supremes

By Lord Monckton

In two decisions this week, on the health-care train-wreck and on so-called “gay” so-called “marriage,” the Supreme Clots of the United States have at last openly overthrown the Constitution that their oath of office required them to protect and to defend.

The Constitution your Founding Fathers took such trouble to draft is no longer even on life support. They intended it to endure, but now it is as dead as they.

All three branches of government – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary – are in the fluttering hands of pygmies utterly unworthy to maintain, let alone to advance, the noble vision of those great men who brought the United States into being.

Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution says, in the bluntest and plainest of terms, “All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Period.

Yet the elected Congress has been so preeningly idle, so self-indulgently passive, that it has allowed a communist with an obviously forged birth certificate brazenly displayed on the official website of the White House not only to remain in office unimpeached despite his continued perpetration – even if only as an accessory – of a manifest forgery, but also to flout Article 1, Section 1 by making new law on his own.

Mr. Obama is making new law not only by a largely unreported series of international treaties calculated to violate the central principle of democracy that no Congress may bind its successors but also by the issuance of arrogant and damaging environmental regulations calculated to inflict disproportionate costs on taxpayers and businesses – regulations that directly flout the express will of Congress circumscribing the making of delegated legislation by executive agencies such as the hated EPA.

Worse, Congress has allowed the barmy Supreme Court, under the worst chief “justice” in its history, to make new law in a manner never envisaged by the framers of the Constitution – by deciding individual cases in a manner unlawfully framed and intended to make new law binding all citizens in open defiance of Article 1, Section 1 as though Congress itself had spoken.

Congress has it in its power to rein in both the “president” and the “justices” – inverted commas being fully justified in both instances at present – but it has sat on its collective wobbly bottom and done nothing.

One might plausibly argue that the trouble began with the case of Roe v. Wade, by which the Supreme Clowns made new law striking viciously at the very heart of the Declaration of Independence. Your nation’s founders had intended to guarantee to its citizens three blessings: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Roe v. Wade, in making child-killing lawful, not only struck out the first of those three blessings, so that millions of little citizens with no vote and no voice have been and continue to be cruelly slaughtered, but also struck out Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution, which was manifestly intended to reserve to the elected Congress – where a majority in favor of child-killing has never existed – the power to make laws whose effect was to take away the very lives of U.S. citizens. Yet Congress did nothing.

When every member of Congress was sent compelling evidence of the president’s complicity in forgery, in that he personally endorsed the publication of his bogus “birth certificate,” not one replied. Congress did nothing.

When Mr. Obama’s “administration” refused to allow Congress even the time to read the Unaffordable Don’t-Care Bill before voting on it, Congress did nothing to stand in the way of this contemptuous and contemptible repudiation of democracy on the part of the “president.”

When Mr. Obama, frustrated by the justifiable unwillingness of Congress to destroy the fossil-fuel industries that are America’s industrial lifeblood, conspired with the hated EPA to make the required laws by dictatorial fiat instead, Congress did nothing.

Of one thing we may be quite sure. Now that the injustices of the Supreme Clique have not only openly defied the will of Congress as expressed in the Soetero”care” law but also endorsed the right of homosexuals to “marry,” thereby granting official sanction to a practice that, on the evidence, is more dangerous to the citizen than smoking (though less dangerous than abortion), Congress – you heard it here first – will step forward fearlessly and do nothing.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. When Mr. Obama did a private deal with the Chinese last December exempting his fellow-Communists from any obligations whatsoever to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions so long as they agreed that in Paris this December they would oppose the treaty that will set in place the global totalitarian-socialist government from which the Chinese saved us at the 11th hour at Copenhagen in 2009, Congress did nothing.

And do not imagine that Congress, by doing nothing to ratify the Treaty of Paris, will have spared your nation from the savage and enforceable obligations from which Mr. Obama has exempted Communist China. Mr. Obama and his “Democrat” successors know by now that they can rule by decree and get away with it. For Congress will do nothing.

Two years ago, I attended a debate held by the lawyers of Chicago on the question whether judicial activism was a good thing. I intervened in opposition to the motion, citing Article 1 Section 1. The chairman was good enough to say he had himself been convinced by my argument, but the lawyers – most of them Republicans – narrowly voted in favor of judicial activism.

This week, they have learned their lesson. So has America. Dudes, you now need to elect representatives willing to uphold their democratic right to make and unmake the law. For their right is your right. Lose it, and you lose America.

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Lord Monckton

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, high priest of climate skepticism, advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote leaders for the Yorkshire Post, was editor of the Catholic paper The Universe, managing editor of the Telegraph Sunday Magazine, assistant editor of Today, and consulting editor of the Evening Standard. He invented the million-selling "Eternity Puzzles," "Sudoku X" and a promising treatment for infections. See the Science & Public Policy Institute. Read more of Lord Monckton's articles here.

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